Ancient Languages?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by MelT, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. I would be intersted to know if any GC members have a professional interest in ancient languages, such as Greek, etc? If so, I would be grateful if they could contact me via PM, or announce themselves here, thanks.

  2. Iv'e an interest, although it isn't professional yet, I hope to make it so in the future. May I ask why you requested as such?
  3. I study the symbolism of pre-writing cultures and recently partially deciphered an ancient language system.
  4. im half greek haha i only knoww simple words and phrases though.. its a tight language.
    Uploads of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, looking for help with transcribing. I really have no idea how official the people are running it, but might be of interest to you.
  6. Thanks, I've heard of the project, it's well worth a look for anyone interested.

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