Hello everyone, I'm sure some of you have seen the show on History Channel called Ancient Aliens. This show is insanly awesome and really made me believe that aliens were the ones who created us from their dna. It really makes more sense than religious thoughts behind god and explains a lot about how other religions could have multiple gods. The show has a lot of different episodes about different stuff I really recomend you guys check it out I love watching it stoned! Anyone else love this show?
The first time I saw that show, my grandma had asked me to clean her kitchen ceiling and floor for her, so I smoked myself stupid and got to work. I put the History Channel on and Ancient Aliens was on. Everything they presented was friggin awesome. I fell in love with it, probably due to the fact that I was high as a kite and they were talking about some crazy stuff. A lot of it makes more sense than any organized religion I know of, but some of it seems like they're embellishing and stretching certain things in order to keep the show going. I think I have to get good and baked and watch some episodes from the first season.
I got burned by the history channel yesterday. Apparently some of it is heavily steeped in fiction. Anything is possible...there's got to be some other life out there, the universe is just too big for us to be the only ones.
I didn't know it was heavy fiction, but some of the things just can't be explained. If you guys know what that island is called puma punku I believe, it's just crazy how that even got built.
hell yea man. the first time i saw that show it blew my mind. it really does make a lot of sense, how our civilizations were able to build monuments such as the great pyramids and the stone henge is beyond me. the possibilities of life being in the infinity of space is 100%. but then again no one really kknows lol
you know whats even more interesting than that show? investigating the claims they make on your own! they outright lie (about dates and what not), twist scripture passages and take them completely out of context to try to make their points, and completely ignore most of the archeological advances of the past couple of centuries of course it makes for good stoned watching, but its nothing to hang your hat on. its so much more gratifying to know that our ancestors had the will to erect these huge monuments (while we dont because we dont need them) than to immediately say "aliens!"
Word. However, I read somewhere that the three pyramids that make a triange could have possibly been used to conduct power/electricity of some sort? Haven't researched it yet, just a random thought.. I am 80% sure that the human race and only the human race built up Egypt. We really don't give them enough credit. If you didn't watch tv, go to school, sleep in, work, or smoke up for that matter, you would have alot of time to build a pyramid. Times this by a few thousand people and shazam
There's actuly an article about how those 3 pyramids line up with 3 mountains on mars. Like fucking exact, down to .0000. That's pretty sketchy
theres alot of evidence showing that they dont actually "line up" or anything of the sort all over the internet. most conspiracy theorists will take this as yet another conspiracy, but if you look at the math they actually dont line up i think the arguement that the pyramids at giza line up with orions belt is much more compelling. at least that would have served a purpose for the egyptians, since orion would have shown in the sky right before sirius, and sirius is how they judged nile flooding its all very interesting but once you take the time to actually look at all this "evidence" it just falls apart
Yeah i downloaded it and watch it whenever im really high n bored. Its fucking awesome, i love that shit haha they show you some crazy shit.
I dunno some of the things on that show cannot have been done by anything thats here now. I'm not sure exactly when it's on but they show it a lot. You guys should search up the island of puma punku, thats the first thing that made me start to question everything.
Ancient Aliens is one of the greatest documentary series I've ever seen!! I recorded both seasons on DVR, which I highly recommend doing. The reason is not just to save them to enjoy later, but also to study. It would be very difficult to retain all the information in a two hour documentary, especially two seasons worth on info. To me, this documentary is more than interesting. It's important information to know because it involves the inception of mankind, as well as significant, and specific geographic locations that contain ancient mysteries and clues about extraterrestrial visitation. Anyone who has watched this series, or is somehow familiar with the information presented, knows that there must have been some kind of contact between extraterrestrials and earthlings. To what extent is up to what you believe, but I do think that the possibility that our DNA has been fused with, or created completely from extraterrestrial life forms is not only plausible, but probable. I really hope there is a third season!!
this show is awesome but i dont believe in anything that does not resonate with my own beliefs...in other words, takes things with a grain of salt i think it was this show that claimed that jesus could have been an alien by inseminating Mary with alien genetics... back then having a child without having sex would be seen as a miracle...either way im open to lots of interpretations but i dont hold them to be true
I'm sure it will it has to be one of the most popular series. The episode they did on DNA was insane thats what the title for the thread was all about.
i dont cant figure out why these ideas finally went mainstream tho. is history and discovery finally in the hands of some open minded people, or are they shoving the idea of aliens to the masses so the majority of us will dismiss it false.