So I was chillin with my friend the other day, we got high and listened to some of the best tunes I've heard in my life. He had this ridiculous band that came on after The Spirit of Radio by Rush, named Anamanaguchi. I swear to god, I was stuck in an NES game. Flipped my shit so hard. Give these guys a listen, they're pretty awesome. Search Helix Nebula by them, because its great. Additionally, do you guys know any other progressive rock I could listen to? I've burned through all my Pink Floyd and Rush, and I need some fresh bands haha.
Try Bubblegum Octopus. They're a complete LOLfest, and full of gay. [ame=]YouTube - Bubblegum Octopus - Falcon Breeze[/ame] Try looking up chiptunes, or nitendocore on youtube, you'll find an endless stream of irritating music.