An unusual problem...

Discussion in 'General' started by stonerish, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. Ok,so im a senior in high school, (18),,, im not a dumbass lol.... and i was with my mom watching tv (she disapproves of my smoking), and she goes off to bed... i pull the usual routine of grabbing my nug, and stepping into the backyard to rip the awesome homeade bong,,, one problem i notice when i see my reflection in the sliding door... the humidity curled my hair a lot lol... thts not good if she comes down haha... i hope that made sense, i dont remember
  2. So you're worried that your curly hair will make your mom think you've been smoking pot?
  3. Lol I would say there is no way she could make such a connection.
  4. What, she'll think you're a robber or something?
  5. shes in bed, and curly hair is the least of your problems, how about those squinty red eyeballs? lol

    you're just high and paranoid.
  6. Of course. Curly hair is a total stoner giveaway!

    lol Its just the paranoia. The only thing you have to worry about is your eyes
  7. I'm so glad that I don't get paranoid like you buddy. She won't be able to tell because of your hair.
  8. Ohh, you think she'll know you've been smoking because your hair is curlier than normal? ... wtf?

    The robber idea made more sense..
  9. shave your head right now. That way when she sees you next, she won't think it was you outside.

    this is perfect. do it.

  10. ??? the fuck ???
  11. x2 really dude thats the only way. or drink some bleach

  12. Do not drink bleach dude, I tried that once when my hair got curly. Seriously... it burns.

    Shaving is the only way. Good luck bro.
  13. "Baby, this shit will curl your hair"
  14. sneak into her room and cut off all her hair then shave your hair and then glue your mom's hair onto your head. there problem solved!

    wait...unless your mom has curly hair...
    then sorry man you're fucked
  15. Or you could buy an elaborate series of hats and wigs to disguise how high you are
  16. :laughing:
  17. LOL well if you typed this then you probably aren't in your backyard so I guess you didn't get caught.
    He said the humidity makes it curl. So then she would know he was in the backyard and he's paranoid about it.
    Haven't you guys ever heard a woman bitch about the weather messin' up her weave because the wetness?
  18. ...........:laughing::laughing::laughing:

    This takes the thread.

    Thread over.


  19. hahahaha perfect solution! :laughing:

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