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An open letter to my various marijuana dealers:

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by 420inthe407, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. (this is for entertainments purposes)

    Dear shit for brains,

    -Learn how to tell time. Please do not show up an hour late, just tell me what time you can really make it to start with. I actually have a life.

    -Don't tell me that you have shits thats "probably" sour diesel or og kush. Its not, its just decent crip.

    -Yeah yeah yeah Im sure its fire, you tell me that every time I call you.

    -Don't leave your car running with the music cranked up in my driveway. Turn your car off and come in for 30 seconds.

    -Please give me my weed in a proper plastic bag. List of things I have received weed in: tin foil, cigarette plastic, napkins, paper towels, corner of a grocery bag, dirty hooker condoms.

    -Don't alter or modify the weed with those stupid flavors or weigh it down with sugar. It all tastes like shit and I will hate you.

    -If its more than normal, say so before we meet. I don't like showing up and hearing its 120 today instead of 100. I may not have the money on me, and on top of that I might have chosen a different dealer.

    -Don't rip off my friends, Ill hear about it.

    And last but not least. . .

    DONT SHORT ME MOTHER FUCKER! I have been buying weed at least once a week for 10 years. If you short me once I wont come back and Ill talk shit about you to my friends. The best and most profitable dealers make money from loyal customers, exact weight is essential to customer loyalty.

    PS. You aren't my only dealer, If you aren't convenient you will lose business.
  2. Without being a dick. If you don't like it stop moaning and just don't go back to him like you say.

    P.S Not trying to be a dick just saying is all.
  3. If they ever try to say 100 then change it to 120 tell them you have 80 bucks
  4. Its always the cigarette plastic!

    Pisses me off, is it really that hard to invest in some small baggies?

    +rep, nice post man.
  5. A solution to the cig platic is to buy a bigger quanity of MJ! Fact.
  6. It's kind of like bitching about a waiter/waitress...when it comes down to it, no matter how slow it is, that's how you're getting your bud.

    I bet he doesn't waste much time getting to someone's house that wants to spend $400...if the service is poor, start putting your feelers out for more punctual connects. They're out there.
  7. Haha thanks guys.

    Remember I did say it was for entertainment purposes only!
  8. :smoking:

    All good. I bet most of us can definitely relate to what you're saying.
  9. Is this for real? :eek:
  10. haha yes this works very well for one of my dealers!
  11. I don't mind cigarette plastic, I mean its either going straight to my jar or get smoked up fast anyway.
  12. haha, i also celebrate 420 in the 407, and also have come across dealers like this. It's just good to know that I can buy my herb from other people and so can anyone else so dealers always lose business when they short, or give it in sketchy bags or condoms apparently lol
  13. Dude your letter rocks :D
  14. So true, i swear dealers either have no sense of time or are too busy rubbing one out or some shit, i mean really is it that hard to be a gas station in 10mins, fuck so much wasted time it kills me.
  15. Try to think about it from a dealers perspective how some of those things might be true about someone who likes to smoke and sell weed
  16. if a dealer has a bunch of baggies with them that can be labeled as intent to distribute
  17. wow. so you don't like it when i rub my sweaty bawls all over the nugs and then roll them in sugar and package it neatly in one of my used hooker condoms?

    i don't see what the problem is. its small. its plastic. its convenient to tie in a knot. and those are expensive hookers.
  18. Haha good post. + rep.
    The one thing I disagree about though is the cellophane from cig packs, because it's recycling!
  19. MY LETTER.

    Dear Dealers (3 of them)

    -thank you for being lazy stoner fucks who only want to make money by selling me bud whenever i want.

    -(1 in particular) thank you for moving into that little apartment close to me where you never leave so i can always be sure to pick up some good stuff anytime i like.

    -thank you for never shorting me, im glad we both understand that you have a history with the law and i can fuck you up your asshole with one little call to the popo.

    -thank you for throwing those rocks through those windows and getting caught for it, your parole makes me getting bud much easier. we both know your a waste of life BUUUUUTTTT you are a good dealer.

    ALSO anyone ever noticed that the longer a person deals, the worse their social skills get? i used to be friends with this guy and he talked coherently, wasnt hard to understand him at all or anything. now after selling for 3 months he mummbles like a retard and talks straight out of the hood.
  20. dealers that come late suck.

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