ok now we all know how most people own a computer in this day of age and facebook. and there are those sites you can look people up there income address family ect. Well this movie is about a seireal killer who uses the power of these internet sites to find there family friends and there address goes there takes all of them to a unkown location and when they wake up it goes something like this you are here because i chose you. only 2 of you are getting out of this alive 1 must die. You choose witch one. In this scenario its a mother who has to pick witch son lives and witch dies and if she dosenot both die in front of her and she is let go. but she is forced to watch either way. and of course this will continue untill he is caught or maby he isint caught. leaving room for a seaqul well would you guys think of this as a good horror movie?
i love thinking up movie ideas i have heaps sorry to say, this is really similar to Death Note, except your character doesnt use a note book, he uses the internet...how about, you make a movie about a guy trying to make that movie, and then...idk.. lol
This is a secret dream of mine, to be a screenwriter/directer would be so awesome. I too love getting high and coming up with movie ideas. Its a good way to stimulate the brain methinks