An athiest with question for "Christians" *a rant*

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by jellymanx99, Oct 3, 2009.

  1. Jesus Christ was proud pasifist
    And yet conservative christians jump to war
    Jesus loved everyone
    but fred phelps hates gays

    Why are some christians so unchrist like
    On the day after a great mans birthday

    I admire Christ, but not Christians

    In all actuality I am moar of a hopeful but doubting agonstic
    If god is good why does man suffer such a cruel existence with our doom impending
  2. There's a great book by a homosexual Christian by the name of Bruce Bawer called "Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity". Basically it's about how modern fundamentalist Christian churches are "stealing" the name of Jesus and attaching it to something he would be ashamed of.

    It is truly a shameful thing that the fundamentalists ruin it for the majority of any religion.
  3. I think the majority of christians i have met are more bigger assholes than athiests i have met. Im guessing because they think they can just speak to the bloke in the box and "god" will forgive you. Fuck religeon, If we where put on here to worship jesus then EVERYONE would worship him, and if you have to be fucking perfect and never do anything wrong to get inot heaven then wtf is the point in living in the first place? Man i love being athiest.
  4. Because victory is that much more glorious hard-fought.

    Because it's better to choose good of your own volition rather than have it thrust upon you, a choiceless automaton.

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  5. In a world without meaning glory is subjective. Even facts are.
    I have been done looking for meaning sense I did DMT.
    This world is chaos without meaning, amazing, beautiful, and perfect chaos.
    Faith to many is a crutch for a weak mind.
  6. The main christians I can't stand are the ones that take everything in the bible as absolute fact. I look at the bible and the quran and all other like texts as something to help you live a good life. They are full of wisdom but there is no way some of the stories can be true
  7. +1

    I find it funny that a lot of people have a conceived notion that every Christian believes the bible is inerrant. It's only the close minded fundies that would rather be spoon fed thoughts and be told they're right and everyone else is going to burn that really piss me off.
  8. Watch the movie "year one" It actually follows the stories of the bible in an funny comedy way.

    you will understand why god would hate gays. pre-marital sex, and a lot of things that we are and do is in the bible spoken in a bad way. some people take certain parts into consideration. and dont see a full picture the only see how life was once thought of a perfect utopia. But with all utopias there is always a rebel or rebels that will always see things differently. As humans we can think for our selves but some are weak minded where they believe everything ritrous is in a book or with in a religion. We as humans can determain what we want to deciver in and from life. To expand and grow to try and find the answer to life its self. The question is "How do we exist? What is the meaning to life? What is after death?" The bible and other religions Give a So called "answer" to the questions. All religion is just faith. Faith that there is a reason to with why we are here. And How one should live your life.

    That is my rant from a Agnostic point a very. I believe in the faith that religion brings people. It brings hope, happyness, joy, and something to look forward to after death.
    i also believe that there is a god/gods. Just not one religion is it. let it be aliens. or evolution or god.To me there is an answer we wll never even believe.
  9. “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
  10. The problem I see with ALL religion is that each one thinks they are right, its the big im right ur wrong crap. Now, no one bothers with the message, be good unto others, love thy self, do not murder, steal. These are good rules to live by but everyone is so caught up in "my God is real your "god" is not" arguments that thery cant see the light

    i personally believe that some higher being is involved in all this but i dont know, and for the big bangers out there who are gonna say that no "being" could have created this because blah blah blah

    where did all the shit that caused the big bang come from?

    Maybe we're both right, maybe God created the universe and set forth evolution...hmmm...
  11. "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Mat 7:14

  12. Its the leaders who ruin a lot of it.

    [ame=]YouTube - The arrogance of clergy[/ame]
  13. Mahatma Gandhi : 'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.'

  14. Ditto!
  15. There are tolerant anti-war Christians out there.

    You don't know about them because they're not waving the cross, they're waving protest signs.
  16. Heh, well.

    I'm pro happiness for all peoples with all beliefs and ideas as long your happiness does not rob another of theirs
  17. yea, just be happy and let others be happy.
  18. chill shit man

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