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An Anti-High.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Koushou, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Long story short... An opportunity came up last night for me to smoke. So I did.

    The shit we picked up was good from every perspective. It was pretty sticky, smelled good and we got told is was fire too.

    To begin with the high was normal, giggly, eating and watched Discovery channel for a while but then it turned into a kind of anti-high.

    Like all the troubles and worries I smoke to get away from for a while got compounded and I couldn't get them out of my head. It completely ruined the high and I ended up just crashing in bed.

    Anybody else had this happen?
  2. Ya.. but then I smoked another bowl and everything was better :hello:
  3. In think you was just coming down man lol be careful that stuff'll kill you lo0l
  4. We only had a g or I most definitely would have sparked up again.
  5. Yeah man. Just thinking hardcore man. Happens to me every once in awhile. I hate it a lot!
  6. Sometimes when you smoke, especially a sativa, you tend to think about problems and maybe over analyze them. That could be it or it could've crappy pot. I don't know. Smoke again, take notes, and report back.
  7. Na but I used to get like this but I then just stop thinking an just chill trust me all you gotta do is chill once you start talking to your self in your mind you know your stoned :cool:
  8. More research is needed.

    I'll blaze again soon and report back.
  9. Nah man. Whatever you were watching just wasn't interesting enough.
  10. I'm waiting for the one that says, "at first the high was like normal and then me and my two buds RIPPED ALL OUR CLOTHES OFF AND HAD WILD SWEATY MONKEY BUTTSEX!!!OMGWTF!!11!1!!!"

    We'd be, "yeah, man, that shit was laced for sure."

  11. The fuck could you lace weed with to get those results?

  12. Fairy dust.
  13. ...........x?
  14. Maybe you were trying to think about not thinking, and that just makes it worse. The reality is that your problems exist and wishing they go away won't work. Instead try to convince yourself that everything is going to be okay and that all of your troubles will eventually work themselves out. Once your stable, ideas and solutions (that may only make sense to you) often come with those thoughts and you start to think positively again. You should start to calm down afterwards and enjoy the rest of your high.

    Were you alone? That also could make it a lot more difficult to handle. Someone to talk to that you trust (who can just reinforce those positive thoughts) is always great to have around.
  15. Haha "fairy" being the operative word.

  16. I usually avoid potentially offending labels, but the pun was too compelling.
  17. Paranoia, it sounds like. Some people get it.

    If you ended up just crashing in bed, maybe you greened-out?

    But as someone said, watch something more interesting so you can't think about that crap.
  18. It must have just been a bout of paranoia. I'm positive I didn't green out as we only blazed a 1g blunt.
  19. To try to be constructive for a rare moment: my high progresses to a certain point and then I usually get a short bout of anxiety, like I've had too much coffee or something. It passes fairly quickly but when I first started smoking sometime it would freak me out and then I'd just stay freaked out. When I came to the certain realization that nothing about weed could hurt me and that was all in my head, then I was able to get past that part and chill for the rest of my high. Now, at most I'll get up and look out the window when I hear a car door slam.
  20. It wasn't paranoia as in people are out to get me or shit like that.

    I just couldn't stop thinking about the shit I didn't want to and I was kinda guilty for smoking almost.

    It was strange.

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