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An adventure in pre-made firecracker peanut butter.

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Santiago, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Hello,

    I'm using this as a guide for the mixing of peanut butter and marijuana, and it's effects as well as shelf life, and any other incidentals.

    On Saturday January 17th, I used half a jar of Maranatha natural pb, 16 grams of schwag, about 3 grams of ABV weed, and 4 'little spatulas' of kief into a nasty little pb concoction to see what would happen. I let it sit a week before I've tried any, and each time I've used it, it's pretty good. I've made a pb sandwich (very little pb), 3 ritz firecrackers, and put some pb on some waffles (this morning). It seemed to me that the firecrackers were the weakest, and I baked them (320 for 22 minutes), but that could also have been because I had those the same evening I had the pb on toast (last sunday). I don't know for sure tho'.

    I'm flying with the pb on waffles today.....really hard.

    I also want to use this thread to find out how long this pb will last.
  2. That sounds awesome, I was just wondering if I could do the same thing, only no baking involved because I live in an apt. with a shared kitchen. And good choice on the natural PB, way more oil.
    good luck
  3. Thanks. It worked pretty good, but potency was lost after about of week. It was schwag, but the early samples I tried were friggin' killer!!! You don't need an oven. As a matter of fact, all I did was blend it all into the natural pb and let it sit for a week. It's really strong. Again, the potency does degrade after awhile so I'll have to monitor that next time....
  4. if I wanted to make the best possible MJ+PB mixture, how long would you let it sit before eating?

  5. I'd let it sit at least 3-4 days, but 6-7 days would be a lot better. Actually, you could probably start using it around the 3rd or 4th day if it was just you or one other person. If it was a pb party, I'd let it sit the week.

    That's the strongest shit I've eaten......

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