Amusing article- "Alcohol and Drug Abuse Lake" and other odd names!

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Storm Crow, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. “Alcohol And Drug Abuse Lake” Is An Actual Place. No, Really
    “Alcohol And Drug Abuse Lake” Is An Actual Place. No, Really

    Spend some time searching the official federal database of geographic landmarks (we’re not actually encouraging you to do this) and you’re bound to come across some delightfully colorful names.

    Case in point: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Lake in Richmond County, South Carolina.

    Yes, that’s a real thing. A recent TIL (Today I Learned) thread on Reddit elicited similar interest, but no clear answers. Though county officials didn’t confirm with Marijuana Moment by the time of publication, it seems reasonable to assume that the lake was named after the drug and alcohol abuse treatment center, Morris Village, situated adjacent to the waters.

    Then there’s Drug Island near the southern tip of Alaska. Information about the origin of this name is also hard to come by, but a 1971 description included in a report from the United States Department of the Interior confirms the official name of the small, 200-foot long piece of land. The local name was apparently attributed to the island by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1920. (snipped)

    Just thought this was amusing and you might enjoy it. :D

    Granny :wave:

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