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Amusement Park Bakage?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Keef Chief 69, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Im Heading to the amusement with a group. Obviously would love to smoke but I dont want people to find out that me and my buddies smoke pot. I want to make some edibles for it. I need something thats easy, low on odor when making them, tasty, and can get three or four guys reallllly high. Ive wanted to get high and go to an amusement park forever hahaha
  2. dude would totally say firecrackers. or sandwiches but FCs would be easier
  3. But how can i be sure itll get me going? I made some weed tea a few days ago with quite a bit of bud...didnt feel a thing
  4. OK I have lots of experience with toking up at Disneyland and DCA. Piece of cake really. One-hitters and dugouts are your friend - just take one of those, go to the smoking areas and be discrete.

    At Disneyland there's a smoking area right by Small World, it's on a little island thing right in the middle of one of their lakes - you can see the lights from the park at night - it's awesome.

    Just don't act stupid and you should be fine.
  5. Hm.....Thatd work well if I can find an area. Ill take my one hitter with me. But I wanna make some edibles too just in case

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