Sorry, I didn't know where to post this. I've bought shroms for the first time and I'm betting the guy ripped me off. Check the photo and tell me how much tehre is please.. TTHANKS
Looks like about 2-3gs. Did you pay for an eighth? Either way, your gonna be Alice in Wonderland after eating those.
Oh, well.. thanks. I was thinking of selling them, but I guess I'll eat them. Do you want me to post a picture of them next to a certan item for more precision?
New Picture.. The Flash on my Macbook's being kind of a bitch..
Alright.. Thanks a lot guys. Time to get also, if other people still want to input their thoughts, go ahead. I'd appreciate it
Sorry for the thread jack, but I don't want to clutter the blog..... How many g's of shrooms would get someone 5'4'' and 105 lbs tripping pretty hard? (I know I'm pretty small)
LOL naw dawg if you wanna trip you gotta eat a whole ounce Seriously though, im like 180-190 and when I did 3.5, during my peak the only things that existed were me, the music and the itunes visualizer, other than that i lost total visual connection with the rest of the world, it was the hardest and longest i've ever tripped, a solid 8 hours. 3g's will set you on your ass no problem.
yea man that is at the most 2g. i just shroomed a week ago with shrooms that were just like that. i got 4 small ones with caps. only picked up a half e too. im the same size as you and i tripped pretty hard off that
As long as I feel it, i won't mind.Ths is probably only a 1 time thing also glad to know that it'll still f me up