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Amount of Shrooms?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by rasta_panda, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. Looks like about 2-3gs. Did you pay for an eighth? Either way, your gonna be Alice in Wonderland after eating those.
  2. id say at least 3g's
  3. ....actually maybe a lil less hard to tell
  4. Oh, well.. thanks.
    I was thinking of selling them, but I guess I'll eat them.
    Do you want me to post a picture of them next to a certan item for more precision?
  5. Put it by a penny
  6. Yea when u buy shrooms doesnt look like alot but yea its prolly a good 3 gs
  7. Alright.. Thanks a lot guys.
    Time to get :smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking:
    also, if other people still want to input their thoughts, go ahead.
    I'd appreciate it :D
  8. Oh yeah, also.
    Would 3g's make me trip?
    i am a big guy... 6 ft, like 230-240 pounds..
  9. Sorry for the thread jack, but I don't want to clutter the blog.....
    How many g's of shrooms would get someone 5'4'' and 105 lbs tripping pretty hard?
    (I know I'm pretty small)
  10. looks like less than 3 for sure though
  11. LOL naw dawg if you wanna trip you gotta eat a whole ounce ;)

    Seriously though, im like 180-190 and when I did 3.5, during my peak the only things that existed were me, the music and the itunes visualizer, other than that i lost total visual connection with the rest of the world, it was the hardest and longest i've ever tripped, a solid 8 hours. 3g's will set you on your ass no problem.
  12. When I first did shrooms I was about that size, took an 1/8th and tripped out hard.
  13. yea man that is at the most 2g. i just shroomed a week ago with shrooms that were just like that. i got 4 small ones with caps. only picked up a half e too. im the same size as you and i tripped pretty hard off that
  14. As long as I feel it, i won't mind.Ths is probably only a 1 time thing also :D
    glad to know that it'll still f me up

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