Amon Hotep--- what do you all think about this clown?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by waldoe420, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. My buddy showed me this and he believes every word of it like he's some kind of parrot. I thought of a bunch of good arguments against what this guy is saying, and my buddy just won't listen. Like he's a good bud but if he don't shut up about this conspiracy bullshit around me I'm going to have to tell him to hit the road.  What does everyone else think of this link?

  2. lol white people
  3. Thats the rare case where white people can say "thats racist."

    That is racist.

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  4. do you have to listen to that type of shit everyday?  i would tell him to piss up a rope
  5. Not every day...  It seems funny, this is the kind of propaganda you would expect white people to write about black people. And you try to bring in valid science and just blindly shoots it down like a creationist arguing macro-evolution. Does anyone have any info on this man who adopted a Pharaohs name? He seems like a pretty fart smeller. 
  6. Lol, I got a few sentences in and couldn't keep reading.
  7. #7 Vicious, Mar 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2014
    Give him the red pill.
    Fuck, my infograph is corrupted.
  8. Yep rats tell it all, or mice. Wait which is it? LOL we dont use rats, how stupid are people. 
  9. Fuckin' whitey, always trying to drag everyone down to his level....
  10. As a white person, I feel like a minority in comparison to the amount of non-whites I see.  As a partial native in blood, this conspiracy about whites is laughable.  Mostly because all people are dumb if they're willing to believe the wrong type of conspiracies, I'd rather be near people who don't acknowledge them than your friend.
  11. I couldn't stop laughing hahaha
  12. #13 SiriusWolff, Mar 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2014
    My fuckin brain hurts. Just show him some proper info on genetics and how it works. Also show him why they use white domestic mice and rats. That's as far as i got so i can't say anymore but dear god i'm gonna burn my laptop if i have to read the rest :laughing:.
    edit: o and show him the real definition of albinism
  13. He's as hard headed as a christian. His argument for not looking at any facts about genetics is because I'm white and am biased. He's white too lol! for me it's not about race its about science. Science is science in my eyes. If this article was about chinese, iraqi, jewish, or black people, I would take the same objection. He has a greed to shut his trap on it when were taking though, which is good because  he just started with this shit recently and I don't have many friends left who have been around as long as him. 
    Just show him some serious studies from universities and respected organizations on genealogy. I mean he can't argue with the best educated people on the planet.
  15. I have and he does argue it. Hence my likening him to a hard headed christian. lol.  His argument.... "all those studies are by the white government" If he want's to be uninformed and believe propaganda that's his problem. I'm just glad he agreed to stfu about it around me. I still have yet to find much info on the guy who wrote this. Then again I wouldn't admit to authoring this drivel. 
    :laughing: i can't believe he actually is investing belief in this. I mean this is as bad as illuminati or chutulu. I mean how can white government take over science institutions. Technically genetically we are all part everything including black.
  17. Those were basically the first points I made. 
    Well good luck with your friend man. Just tell him to not discuss it around you and don't argue with him. After a few months and reading reviews on this outlook he'll rethink it. Most conspiracy theorists do unless it's a very solid one.
  19. If it wasn't such an angry essay some of the stuff may have seemed less far fetched. 

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