Oh my goooooooooood... the third song, pulk pull revolving doors? Holy motherfuck.. on shrooms, on dxm, it's all the rave. I can't begin to explain how trippy it is. Just click it. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9wqGzTSs]YouTube - Radiohead - Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors - Like Spinning Plates[/ame]
absolutely man, amnesiac, kid a, almost everything by radiohead blows my mind. look at the #1 album on this list 100 Best Albums of the Decade : Rolling Stone usually i don't agree with rolling stone, but I sure agree with their #1 both albums are incredibly influential to music in the 21 century so far
amnesiac is so underrated ahhh. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors freaks me out. And I Might Be Wrong and You and Whose Army? are two of my favorite Radiohead songs. Mmmm just thinking about it makes me wanna go listen and I haven't been in the mood to listen to Radiohead in a LONG time.