Americans: Send this to your local politician

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by todd77, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. Find a way to contact your newly elected politician, congratulate them on their victory, and send them this simple message:

    Alcohol is a drug
    Tobacco is a drug
    Coffee is a drug
    Marijuana is a drug

    Any of these drugs taken excessively can cause a lot of harm. Excess of most things in life are unhealthy. Tobacco and Alcohol cause more harm than marijuana.

    We should have the right to choose.

    Let's imagine a better future guys, end the drug war, PEACE&POT :hello:
  2. i think they understand that nicotine, alchahol, thc, and caffiene are drugs but that wont do anything although props for effort.
    maybe something more professionally written, besides dude take it in steps .. medical bud, decrim (what 13 states plus mass now)...
    time will come
  3. I don't know about taking it in steps.

    You see decrim and MMJ aren't better policies than legalization. They don't address the issue of supply which leaves the door wide open for criminals to enter the market selling weed. That keeps marijuana in the hands of minors and keeps drug dealers in our communities.

    I really believe we should skip all other steps and just press for getting marijuana controlled by the same laws as alcohol.

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