Europe has already fallen to the NWO. The cold war never ended. This is not some Illuminati reptillian NWO fantasy. I'm talking about the establishment of a united world government/banking system to serve the agenda of the elites. The UN already stated that it wants to interfear with American law. Both gun laws and marijuana laws. The UN constantly pressures the US to comply though thus far we have not. I dare not speak of agenda 21 LOL. Socialism is alive and well and is now taking over America. We can split hairs all day but the fact is there is a huge outcry in America for more wellfare more healthcare and more taxes on the rich. They believe buisness owners are corrupt and need to be taxed more for the good of the lower class. See OWS movement So while it's technically not social ownership of the means of pruduction yet, it smells very similar. Capatlism is on its last legs Now lets not get it twisted. There is not an Illuminati conspiracy that all rich people are members of. Its a few factions of rich people trying to pull strings. And when I say elite in not talking about say, the CEO of McDonald's. I'm talking about a few key criminals such as Monsanto and the world banks. Paranoia - the delusion that your enemies are united. Lets not get paranoid The idea that all rich people are bad is absurd and very anti capatilist. The OWS movement was a huge embarrassment for the unites states and is a testement to how socialism is winning the hearts of our kids The idea is to turn the world into socilaist debt slaves. "We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller [June, 1991] The elections have been paid for by a select few contributers that have backed both parties for years. They gave us the illusion of choice so that no matter who we vote for nothing changes. That's why Obama and Bush are the same. Because they were told to be. Obama basically bought the election with wellfair checks and is now about to sign executive orders to take away our bill of rights. The problem? This was all planned. Dick Cheney actually wrote about it talking about the nessesity of an American revolution to secure American military power once and for all. [ame][/ame] If an American revolution does happen we will be weakened. Our economy will collapse and in the wake of the destruction millions of hungry people will cry out for help. Socialism will have won its final victory. The cold war was just that. A war without weapons. It was won by propoganda and money laundering. By intentionally crashing the economy they ensured millions would become dependent on government aid. A revolution will seal our fate. The only way America can fight off the Soviets is to reinstate the tenents of capitalism in the hearts and minds of our children and to take back the government that we supposedly voted for. These are dangerous times. An American revolution followed by a NWO followed by a world wide revolution is not in the best interests of anyone. We need to end this without bloodshed.
I'm sorry but this is naively fallacious. You didn't even include any evidence to back up your claims.
If you understand at all how government works, and a little history, I don't think one needs to apply hard evidence, when the outcome is implied.
Oi, I don't mean to embarrass you but I think a bit of your paranoia might be showing. I see what you're getting at but some of these claims require evidence. Not saying that the United States of America as a country isn't crumbling, but.. Meh. I'm not too worried, I never really cared for the US in the first place. Full of ignorant dickheads and bigots as far as the eye can see. CANADA, UK, HERE I COOOOME! PS, any of y'all researched the RFID chip? Scary shit. Dunno how true this video is (could quite possibly be bullshit) but when I watched it four years ago it definitely freaked me out: [ame][/ame]
The UK's not necessarily better. I stay in the middle of a debate about independence, the whole British vs Scottish/Irish thing is kicking off. Northern Ireland riots by youths who don't know what they're fighting for. The London riots, which turned in to a series of looting and arson against working class people, who were just as outraged at the police brutality shown. We're just one news flash away from anarchy man, it won't take long but it will happen.
How do we, "take back the government," and simultaneously, "avoid revolution at all costs." Doesn't that seem a bit contradictory?
I believe the economy will collapse (perhaps sooner then we think). The US govt knows as well as you and I do that the dollar can not survive much longer. They also know that they need to somehow disarm (some of) the population to control us. Considering recent events, the false flag action that will kick off the next revolution is probably already scheduled.
Sorry man haha, but who knows? Could be 10 years before that happens. I think the referendum on Scottish Independence is next year, if it goes ahead then it'll be different up here. If you can stand the cold an the rain you're more than welcome haha.
I think they mean trying to go through the correct channels, but that will take years to get anywhere close surely?
I disagree with OP. I think revolution might be the only way to put the gov back in check. It could go either way, but if we the people are vigilant we can have a revolution just to reinstate the Constitution as law of the land. It all depends. It could send us into some NWO cesspool or maybe just get things back on track. Like PennyWise once sang "Until we try how will we know and we won't know until we try, so lets give it a go and find the world we are looking for."
Are you absolutely sure about that? Any more self-destructing statements you want to share? @OP Revolutions are successful attempts...there will be no revolution, more like a slaughter of those stupid enough to attack the 'government'. Like 1 or 2 others have mentioned, a collapse is unavoidable. The question is will those sucking on the teet of 'government' cry for more milk (dictator) or act like mature adults (liberty).
If the founding fathers had to compete with video games and street gangs, the revolution would not have happened the first time. America won't revolt until the soylent green is all gone.
Todays UK papers report, the police are making big changes. Read more: London Met police force axing 800 detectives and closing 65 nicks and selling off Scotland Yard HQ in £500m cuts | The Sun |News I read a while back that governments want to do away with met police and replace them with private organisations, thats bullys that know nothing about the law other than what they are told. Looks like someone is pushing an agenda to crush the police force, make the people think they are usless and then replace them with their own private pricks in uniform. This is happening all over the western world. [ame=]Police Brutality UK (2010) - YouTube[/ame]
[quote name='"trixman22"']I disagree with OP. I think revolution might be the only way to put the gov back in check. It could go either way, but if we the people are vigilant we can have a revolution just to reinstate the Constitution as law of the land. It all depends. It could send us into some NWO cesspool or maybe just get things back on track. Like PennyWise once sang "Until we try how will we know and we won't know until we try, so lets give it a go and find the world we are looking for."[/quote] The clown from IT, right?