[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51tr43wj3mY]America is not the greatest country in the world, anymore - YouTube[/ame] I sure wanna watch this show now.
Canada > All Ever notice how you keep going down from the North and the people in that area just get more stupid and stupid?? (example Canada To US to Mexico to South America to nothing at all on Antarctica.)
[quote name='"Gryphonics"']Canada > All Ever notice how you keep going down from the North and the people in that area just get more stupid and stupid?? (example Canada To US to Mexico to South America to nothing at all on Antarctica.)[/quote] Are you retired?
"Anymore" implies that it ever was. I've seen this video before, and its not exactly wrong, but the heavy-handed patriotism, posturing of the "glory days" makes me sick.
Yeah America used to be awesome when generations worked to death in coal mines. The army always showed up and shot them when they went on strike for a union or better pay. Same with the railroad workers. While I am on this I would like to point out that our founding fathers were nationalists/socialist. They considered workers striking on federal projects treasonous and signed the orders for martial law. Oh and manifest destiny was a great idea. Just ask the Native Americans.... Oh wait.... Then later we had a good thing going with prohibition. We gave hundreds of immigrants and war veterans a job in the stable industry of smuggling alchohol and guns. Which they then used the profits of to create criminal enterprises. "We waged wars on poverty, not poor people" Yeah later on when Roosevelt came in we started to improve and we built great things. Good video but his speach at the end could have been talking about any group of people. And those qualities aren't lacking today they just aren't abundant because a sense of self entitlement has made people bitch and less willing to work.
[quote name='"LSDForPeace"'] Be happy you aren't living in Syria or most of the middle east, or any poverty stricken country..[/quote] Sure, those places suck ass too. I've been to Syria. But If I had to move from there, I definitely wouldn't move to America like every other emigrant from a foreign country does.
That's because most of them know they can practically live for free off the Government (tax payers money) when they get here.
Just like in the past, civilizations that tried to conquer too much fell. America tried to take over the world and look whats happening. American people.... first Bush, then Obama. If Ron Paul doesn't get elected this time i'm off to Canada.
And don't forget the Lincoln/General Sherman invention and policy of "total war": slaughter women, children, livestock, burn houses, barns, businesses, entire cities to the ground. That'll teach 'em. America is so "great" that Washington has continued that grand tradition to today, with no end in sight. The popular idea with the flag wavers that America is some kind of great moral leader is nothing but a sick joke.
Saw this. Completely agree. Strongly considering moving to Canada after my graduate studies. This country gets harder to live in every day.