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America is a nation of cowards

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 472633, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. I am so disgusted by my fellow americans willingness to give up any liberty for safety. We are a nation of lazy fat bullies that have been the biggest kid on the block for too long. We would do anything to protect our safe, cozy, trained and shallow lives. Over the past few decades with the Patriot Act the TSA, the NDAA, the absolute destruction of nearly every amendment in the bill of rights, including the important 4th, 1st, 2nd and 5th amendments.
    This thread is not just a gun control thread its about us being a nation of little bitches.
    Do the brown men scare you so much that you are willing to have a government goon reach up your ass? Absolutely pathetic. Are we so scared of boogeymen that we would burn the Constitution if it would keep the bad guys away? Guess what you have a 6 times better chance of being shot by an American police officer than a terrorist. God Bless Motherfucking Fascist America am I right?Must the 99.8% of law abiding and responsible gun owners turn in their guns over 28 deaths, I'm sorry but hundreds of thousands of soldiers died fighting for these freedoms that your giving away over 28 deaths.
    Are we going to continue putting up with police beating up protesters and trying to terrify and intimidate them into shutting their mouths and going home like the rest of the sheeple Americans? Are you really so scared of hippies?
    If we weren't the biggest fattest meanest kid on the block we'd cower in fear at the bigger bully. They have gotten us terrified not only of terrorism but they have us afraid of each other. Soon they will even control the internet because of fear, whether its the US or the UN. Obama's new cybercrime executive order is coming out next month after all. Anything for safety right?
    » Poll: Nearly One Third Of Americans Would Accept
  2. Collectivist, FORCED altruism and few people making a stand against it.

    Makes me sick. I wish Ayn Rand was still alive. :(
  3. Once we are stripped of our weapons and we try to protest the government or local pd ... They will just bust out their weapons on us and we will have no voice
  4. lol these will be remembered as the good ole days.
  5. All this blind ignorance is a subconscious choice.. it's sickening to see how far people bend reality to fit their narrow minded agenda with a willful ignorance of the injustice around us. We really are a nation of cowards willing to sacrifice liberty for this sense of false security.
  6. alot of people are starting to wake the fuck up, but not enough, and not fast enough. honestly tho i think if there is ever going to be a significant change its got to start with social media and getting REAL fucking journalists out there not barbies and old guys with too much make up on, and report what actually is going in the world around us, not distracting us with fuckin honey boo boo and which celebrity is fucking which, or whatever, too much focus on shit with absolutely no meaning or relevance.
    people rely too much on the news to get their "factual" information, so until social media changes i don't see the vast majority changing.
  7. The only thing that would get Americans up off their feet is if the government restricts/shuts off the internet. There'd be huge revolts.

    (no more facebook and twitter, the country would just collapse)
  8. Its just scary to see our freedoms get taken away day after day. People are accepting these new limits and embracing them.

    We need to wake the fuck up!
  9. I wouldn't say Americans are cowards, just ignorant. They don't realize what's happening to them. Very few Americans could describe liberty. Most people actually think of the US as the land of the free. Only ignorance can explain that.
  10. Its funny how the word liberty is not used by mainstreamers and politicians.

    im sorry, the actual definition.
  11. So what do we do about this? Revolution will only turn our country into ashes and the turmoil will be decades before we see a positive change. But really what are You going to do? Nothing. Because this government is no longer run for the people, by the people and the words of our forefathers are now but echoes in the shadow of what once was the greatest nation to ever rise on the face of this planet. That nation is no more.
  12. One thing I am sure of is war and violence is not the answer, they are the tools of barbarians. if the liberty movement, OWS or any other political group wants to claim moral superiority over our current rulers, we must be morally superior and use our message not weapons.

    Not to mention violence just as a strategy would be counterproductive all your going to do is prove to Americans that they need a bigger police state and or military.
  13. It's interesting how the internet can educate us while at the same time pacifying us, with the internet we can challenge the entire government or we can submit, it's a double edged sword.

    Excellent quote to sum up the OP's post

    "Those who give up their liberty for security deserve neither"
    -Ben Franklin
  14. Everyone needs to start informing everyone else of everything thats going on. People still refuse to believe the level of conspiracy our governments poses.
  15. In America, medical errors and bad medicine kill more people than traffic accidents, alcohol overdose, drug overdose, and firearms combined. Oh, and those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, throw those casualties in too? Yep, those totals are nothing compared to the war on your health, created by our system of ignorance of all prevention and polluted diets for all.

    Who's afraid of losing their insurance?

    Our shite medical system is far scarier and deadlier than any terror cell, but don't worry, the hospitals only infect and kill another 20,000 or so annually, with MRSA and other superbugs.

    Let's don't talk about the hundreds of thousands of pharmaceutical ticking time bombs out there, like that Lanza boy was.

    America is a chemically manipulated FDA/CIA experiment in human tolerance, and the average person gets screwed with in so many ways that they've stopped counting. We're not cowards, we're just cattle. Herd immunity is for stock.

    "Drugs in the water, drugs in the food,
    No wonder I'm in such a wonderful mood
    Drugs from the jet stream, drugs from the sky
    No wonder I'm such an agreeable guy
    Drugs in the classroom, drugs in the gym
    No wonder these kids are more mice than men
    Drugs in the crackers, drugs in the wine
    No wonder these people get to church on time"
    -Dope, Dope, Dope by Medicine Al-:cool:
  16. Our health care system is a joke. They make us sick to heal us, momentarily. There is no denying this. Fluoride to dumb us down and chemtrails to poison us. Inhumane practices
  17. a lot of people might flame for the chemtrail so before they get all pissy, even without chemicals, distributing chemicals that are a normal, operating result of any engine used to fuel planes that high into the atmosphere is going to cause some health issues, all that shit that comes from the exhaust of a plane is not there in a pristine natural world and even if there aint much in the way of studies im certain there are many negative health effects from that alone, and in heavy air traffic areas im sure it makes a significant difference in the health of all thsoe in the ecosystem beneath - from people to plants animals and livestock...
  18. OP you don't know shit man.
  19. I agree wholeheartedly Op. I was getting a Christmas ham and there was a cop with a gun on his hip. A fucking HAM STORE!!!!
  20. fuckin pigs...............

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