America infuriates me at times (in regards to georgian "conflict")

Discussion in 'Politics' started by GolgiApparatus, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. u.s.a has don all of these things through the course of its existence and your mad because now they're being hypocrites about it? thats kind of funny when you think about it.
  2. i really enjoyed this read.. i agree completely.
  3. I think regardless of whether you place your support behind Georgia or behind Russia it's important to realize that neither side has their hands completely clean.

    Because of the constant media barrage of images of Russian tanks and crying Georgians we're led to believe that the Russians are just some evil force on a rampage. In reality though, they were just responding to a brutal attack made by the Georgians on S. Ossetia. It's debatable whether or not the Russian response was too extreme, and you might even surmise that Russia's intentions are less than noble (earlier in this thread some have suggested they're trying to grab land) but the fact is, the Russians were provoked by a Georgian attack, plain and simple.

    I found this video to be pretty interesting.

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