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AMC Theaters Drug Testing

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ChronicHedgehog, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Fellow blades,
    I really need a job. And none of the places near me got back to me when i applied to them. Im about to apply to AMC theaters, but their website says they might drug test you. does anybody have any experience with AMC, and do they actually test? I'm wondering cause i just smoked the other day and i don't want to screw this up.
    Thank you
    - Chronic
  2. Hey, sorry no one got back to you. I am also looking to apply there, but would be in a bit of trouble if there was a drug test. Did everything turn out alright with you?
  3. Nah they dont
  4. I seriously doubt half the employees working there would pass...

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