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Amazon has some great deals

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BluntsOrDie, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. I ordered my extreme q for 170 yesterday. Amazon saved me 130 bucks, and a smoke buddy for $12. I love amazon

  2. Yea they have awesome deals on vapes. I think I saw one one there for like $30 that had a 5 star rating.
  3. I bought the grinder/pollen press and it works like a charm. For only $22 it was a great deal!
  4. Holy shit, the smart crusher is 50 Bucks at least at my stores. :O

  5. I know! I was so stoked when I came across it.
  6. Is it all unused stuff?

  7. Yes it all brand new. Amazon is like an outlet store online. They sell anything!
  8. [quote name='"BluntsOrDie"']

    Yes it all brand new. Amazon is like an outlet store online. They sell anything![/quote]

    Damn I know where my money is going >_<
  9. Only thing about amazon there's a lot of fake Chinese shit watch out for quality remember you get what you payed for...

  10. This can be avoided by buying name brand and looking at ratings.

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