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Amazing Purple Kush - Pro Macros + "3D Photos"

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by weedidas, May 30, 2009.

  1. The last of the purple kush I have, 1.3g total. Smells citrus/grapefruit/pine, burns the nose a bit, amazing herb.










    I was just playing around seeing what I could get, they could of turned out better.






    Some closups


  2. Holy shit dude. That bud looks amazing. Nice as fuck pickup.
  3. Shit man,

    Nice pickup.

    Those '3D' photos made me freak out! Hahaha.

    Tell us how hard it hits man!
  4. damn dude what kind of camera you using to shoot these. those buds looks so fuckin good. those wiggley photos are pretty sweet:smoke:plus rep
  5. Fuckin' sweet.

    More people should make these 3D pixx
  6. Hes got a NIKON D40
  7. Great pics man. definately +rep

  8. yep, that will do it:smoke:
  9. WOOOOOOOAH those 3D pics are just amazing! people should do them more often :hello::hello: +Rep :smoke:
  10. :hello: this is fucking amazing. best bud i've seen in a few.
  11. + ReP, nuff said....
  12. hahaha
    those pictures tripped me out
    nice bud
    but i'm even more impressed by your photo taking/edit skills
  13. sweet 3d pics. just finished the last of my PK yesterday as well. ill try to upload the pics tho they aren't quite as good
  14. This method seems to be the most effective, but you have to use those red/blue 3D glasses.

  15. Those pictures tripped me out for a good minute :D +rep that is some dusted bud you got.
  16. haha, love the 3d pics dude. Looks like it will get the job done.
  17. hey would you mind telling us how you did the shaking 3d ones on the first page

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