Amazing Example of Forgiveness

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ktmsmoker, Jul 24, 2011.

  1. Link isn't working.
  2. We humans are capable of terrible things, and in the course of my lifetime, many more will die in terrible ways. But the potential to be violent can also translate in the potential to be compassionate.

    That man in particular of great compassion. I envy his ability to forget his pain and loss of an eye, and forgive the man who did it.

    But as for the man who shot him and killed the other two, I have personally seen what the loss of family can do to someone. There was a woman who lived a couple of houses down from a close friend of mine. Her husband and two kids were hit by a drunk driver and killed and she simply lost her mind. Left her house to the bank and his now homeless, wondering around with a grocery cart.

    His cheese slid off his cracker and shot people. Sad indeed.
  3. Never forget this wen i was in 8th grade..My girlfreind for 6 months broke up with me on valentines day and went out with the new kid (that was there for 2 days) the same day she broke up with me -___- thn a month later she wanted me back hahah fuck that :p but hell i fucked her :p
  4. I like to think I would do the same. I obviously have never been in such a situation so I don't know if my dislike of the idea of revenge would hold up. This won't happen though, as my country doesn't have the death penalty.
  5. Remarkable, I most certainly couldn't do the same. And that is a personal moral issue :(

    Texas will never back down on the death penalty though, it's famous for continuing to issue it actually. If I ever meet that guy, which could be possible because I live there I would shake his hand and thank him for actually trying to break that cycle.

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