Am I wasting my time?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by donjo420, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. I've germed/planted several bag seeds successfully and finally feel comfortable to start growing more serious so I bought some seeds from attitude ,, got them yesterday and I have this seed (Dinafem white widow auto) I placed it in a clean shot glass with clean water and kept it slightly warmer then room temp in the dark and only left it for about 20 hours it had sank but not cracked but i didnt wanna risk drowning it ,, its been sittin between moist paper towels again in the dark in slightly warmer then room temp almost 12 hours later and it is still yet to crack ,, am i just being impatient and anxious? or is this likely a dud ( i wont cry if it is because this seed was a freebie)
  2. [quote name='"donjo420"']I've germed/planted several bag seeds successfully and finally feel comfortable to start growing more serious so I bought some seeds from attitude ,, got them yesterday and I have this seed (Dinafem white widow auto) I placed it in a clean shot glass with clean water and kept it slightly warmer then room temp in the dark and only left it for about 20 hours it had sank but not cracked but i didnt wanna risk drowning it ,, its been sittin between moist paper towels again in the dark in slightly warmer then room temp almost 12 hours later and it is still yet to crack ,, am i just being impatient and anxious? or is this likely a dud ( i wont cry if it is because this seed was a freebie)[/quote]

    Impatient, give it another day or 2. THEN you can throw in the towel. Good luck
  3. my recent bagseed took around 4 days to have long enough of a taproot for planting. First two days didnt show much activity. Give it a maximum of a week before you give up.
  4. Ok thanks guy! I figured impatience is mostly making me worried after all that tends to be the case when doing anything exciting!
  5. my current grow took me like 5 days for the seed to crack i was about to throw it away lol

  6. You've just given me motivation to hang tough lol holy shit thats a long time for a seed to crack IMO never had one take more than 3 days.

  7. LOL yea man patience is the most important thing a grower can have my first seed i planted wasnt seeing anything come out got paranoid and tryed to dig and find it but i didnt lol....second seed i let it do its thing now shes big :)
  8. [quote name='"donjo420"']I've germed/planted several bag seeds successfully and finally feel comfortable to start growing more serious so I bought some seeds from attitude ,, got them yesterday and I have this seed (Dinafem white widow auto) I placed it in a clean shot glass with clean water and kept it slightly warmer then room temp in the dark and only left it for about 20 hours it had sank but not cracked but i didnt wanna risk drowning it ,, its been sittin between moist paper towels again in the dark in slightly warmer then room temp almost 12 hours later and it is still yet to crack ,, am i just being impatient and anxious? or is this likely a dud ( i wont cry if it is because this seed was a freebie)[/quote]

    Dont worry about drowing her i kept seeds in water for like 2 days and they were ok

  9. Thanks! You just answered the question I was logging on here to ask i just put it back in the shot glass for an hour and was gunna ask if i did any harm but if they can survive two days whats an extra hour gunna hurt but shes wrapped back up in the paper towels again with my fingers crossed!
  10. SUCCESS,, Checked it an hour after I put her back in the paper towels and she has finally cracked open :) I can't wait to raise her and watch how beautiful she becomes thanks everyone for the encouragement I know I tend to get over anxious lol
  11. im a noob,3rd grow in progress and patience is something u WLLL have in short order or u wont make it. now i think in days and weeks instead of minutes and hours, tough for an oldster like me!!

  12. Ya I'm sure it comes with time and experience just gotta find things to keep me busy so my mind is temporarily elsewhere during the wait.

  13. Do whatever you gotta do to stay busy. Impatience has killed more plants than the government.

    This is especially true later in the grow. My first few grows I kept screwing around with the plants when all they wanted was a little water and food, a lot of light, and for me to get the hell out of the way. 'Thoughtful neglect' is a good rule of thumb, stick to it and you'll be fine. Don't love them to death!
  14. #14 Doc-J, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2012
    [quote name='"Ignatz451"']

    Do whatever you gotta do to stay busy. Impatience has killed more plants than the government.

    This is especially true later in the grow. My first few grows I kept screwing around with the plants when all they wanted was a little water and food, a lot of light, and for me to get the hell out of the way. 'Thoughtful neglect' is a good rule of thumb, stick to it and you'll be fine. Don't love them to death![/quote]

    I agree totally. Too many new growers will over react at every little thing. Usually it ends up being compunded by the fact that they dont know what is wrong, if anything. I did this my first time as well, I must admit.

    Other than watching the buds grow flowering is freaking boring. Seems like it takes forever. By that time, the plants are pretty much on auto pilot and just want water and food.

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