I just got my 1st vaporizer yesterday (this one http://mvppeacemaker.com/images/top-vapor_vp100.jpg) and without hesitation began using it. I set the temperature at 392F and the light was green already! (the paper said after you set the temperate wait until the light turns green. I thought it had to heat up 1st but guess not.) I waited 5 minutes anyways. I then packed some medical marijuana in the other end of the wipe and plugged it in the vape. Immediately it began to vaporize (I could see little streams) and waited for a minute or so and began to inhale. After each inhale I would place my thumb over the little hole so the vapors won't escape (right?). I left the vaporizer on the entire time (~4 hours). Are you supposed to leave it on the whole time? Or can you turn it off after its been vaporized? I was thinking though, wouldn't the vapor cool and stick to the glass?? There's a video on Youtube called 'Vaporizer 101' or something and the guy said he could leave his vaporizer on the whole time, come back later and still use it. Thanx for taking your time to read and answer this
well everything seems to be fine except for the 392 degrees part. That's too hot. you want it at about 380. but other than that for a first timer you're doing a fine job. P.S. Remember to keep your vaporized bud and smoke it later. gets you just about as high as regular bud :]
i dont know about just as high maybe in a large quantity. but it is great to cook with just treat it as if u were cooking with normal bud
Id have to disagree on smoking your ABV, Good way to get a headache. I would recommend saving it up till you have about an ounce, and making ganja butter.