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Am i the only one...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BOWL MAN, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. who pre rolls up there joints. I was bored so i rolled 4 fattys up so i can toke at a moments notice :smoke: anybody else?
  2. I used to do that before I bought a bowl :)
  3. #3 WeedBratton, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    I do it sometimes when I'm bored and want to roll, but I've often found that if I pre-roll too many, I end up blowing through my supply quicker.

    I do pre-roll filters to occupy myself though.
  4. nah man you never know. Got to keep one rolled up. Taylor Gang or Die

    [ame=]YouTube - Wiz Khalifa - In The Cut (official video)[/ame]
  5. i have a bowl, but i like to toke before my classes, and nothing beats the portability of a joint.
  6. it never hurts to keep one rolled ;)
  7. my brother gets outrageous with it and rolls 20 and puts them side by side in an empty cigarette pack.
  8. I do this to. Mostly on the weekends cause ill be bored in the day and prepare for the night. I have two fattys rolled right now in the drawer next to me.
  9. When I had some shwag I rolled it all. It was cool I had like 6 joints all rolled and ready to go. I buy dank only now so it's rare that I roll a joint now. Outta practice :(
  10. Yeah i used to pre-roll my joints, not anymore tho. I vaporize!
  11. #11 Colincjk4, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Im about to just grab an ounce of some beasters for 100 then roll it all up into ciggarette sized joints and put them in like 2 empty cigarette boxes.

    **once had a qp of mids rolled up into joints with some buddies.

  12. Damn :bongin:

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