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Am I the only one....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Frontman38, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. It's not too rare to see someone who smokes pot and cigarettes, however, I like to smoke pot and dip (skoal wintergreen!). Anyone else here on the City dip to?
  2. Me. Same thing, Skoal Wintergreen and Longhorn Wintergreen. Long cut? I just don't like putting a chew in right after I smoke, makes my buzz feel weird.
  3. nah i like not having mouth cancer lol im jp.

    but i dont really like tobacco infact i kind of boycott it but im fine with eople who smoke cigs and i will every now and then but i dont buy packs ya dig?
  4. I used to love copenhagen short back around when I was in highschool. I gag just at the smell of it now but yeah man back in the day there was nothing better than a big old dip around a back yard fire pit smoking a couple joints with friends.

  5. i have before but i didnt like it because i was cotton mouthed and i personally i like to spit (idk why :D ) but since i was cotton mouthed i couldnt
  6. Cant stand dip, but I am a chain smoker =(
  7. I do long cut, fine cut is terrible in my opinion. And yes I used to get cotton mouth ALL THE TIME when i toked. I remember one time I was obliterated off this chronic, and i put a pinch of citrus in and for 30 minutes i didn't even build up any saliva. it was bad, but oh well.
  8. Naw, dip isn't my preferred choice of nicotine.

    Cigarettes or shisha.
  9. I dont mind one every once in a while. Prolly buy like 4 tins a year lol.
  10. I play hockey and I'd say 95% of the (good) players I know, dip. FAT pinches too...

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