Am i the only one who thinks...

Discussion in 'General' started by DemiseInDisguise, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. that the word troll gets thrown around WAAAAAAAY too much here? i'll be damned if i can't find one thread where someone is accused of being a troll...

  2. The definition has effectively changed here
  3. oh look another troll thread
  4. Anyone who says anything remotely controversial is considered a troll these days.

    Get used to it.
  5. My favorite definition of troll


  6. If you feel that way, why did you make a thread about it? That'll just cause more troll words to be thrown around.

    Quit trollin' son.
  7. because this thread is a discussion about how it gets thrown around too loosely here, not just another thread where somebody is accused of being a tro... oh wait

  8. Claiming a word that doesnt exist with its currect definiton is used to much incorrectly is beyond ironic, any time the word is used this way its being used incorrectly lol
  9. Sexual predators are the original "trolls". The usage originates from the social work field; when predators are searching for/luring victims or something like that.

    Things you find out when you tell your psychologist dad to stop trolling you...
  10. i can't tell if that last part was supposed to be a question to me or not.
  11. Actually, the term troll comes for European folk lore, a giant dumb ass creature known to carry a club, and get its ass kicked by billy goats. HAHAHHA no im just playin i know what you mean

  12. Not a question at all, just being a prick :smoke: heheheheheheheh
  13. Change that to someone who posts anything that another disagrees with
  14. Because sometimes people are trolling when they don't even know it. So, you gotta point it out to em'.
  15. Fuckin billy goats man

  16. That's very trollish of you.

    I like to troll sometimes, usually with a spinner but mostly I prefer casting or jigging.

  17. No one really realizes it but mods = billy goats gruff. Only people who can actually remove a troll from the forum lol
  18. although to be honest, i saw this pic a couple of years ago and found it pretty funny:

  19. Has anyone seen the movie troll 2, by far the most trolled out movie ever. It isnt even about fuckin trolls lol and there is a "sexual" scene involving a lady munching an ear of corn, while popcorn explodes all over the rest of the scene, great stoner watch

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