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Am I the only one who likes watching moveis sober?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by rwilliams, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. I'm really into movies, and I love watching them sober, not sure why. But usually when I'm high and watching a movie I don't get everything out of it I would if I were sober. I also write movies, and I probably spend 90% of the time sober when I'm writing. I'm a decent writer when I'm blown, for some reason it's hard for me to get really into a movie when I'm blown though, whether it be if I'm watching it or writing it. The only time I really like watching movies high is if I've seen it a million times. However, it seems that most stoners I know love watching movies high. I that's just because they're not as into movies as I am though, and not as interested in studying the shots, the characters, the acting, the writing, the lighting, the emotional charges, the director's intentions, etc. when they are watching movies. Kind of like, I like to play football when I'm high, but, ricky williams probably enjoys it more when he's sober, and maybe things he doesn't like movies he enjoys doing high. I hope this made sense.
  2. Yea i no wut your talking about, i'll watch a movie when im lit, then watch the same movie sober and I'll realize that i missed somthin important. I like watchin comedys when im Blown the fuck out though.
  3. yeah, there is no way I could watch something like the godfather high, it's just too deep and complicated. I can really only follow simple and stupid comedy films whilst toasted.
  4. sometimes being ripped makes me a little more critical of the movie. plot holes appear far more gaping, special effects look shittier, dialogue sounds cardboard. in a way, i feel like it's better that way because i'm not just falling for eye candy and weak plot devices. at the same time, sometimes i do feel like just sitting back and being entertained. it really depends on how high i am.
  5. I like to watch movies sober...and high. Just to see what you dont notice each time. When Im high I notice more of the stoner related things, sober Im picking apart the movie scene by scene and still dont notice some of the shit I do when Im blazed.

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