am i the only one that thinks names are weird?

Discussion in 'General' started by chronicman00, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. or words in general?
  2. i think that naming a kid after you is weird. i never want a junior. moms and daughters hardly ever have the same name and definetly aren't referred to as junior. i dont see why we do it.
  3. What about numbers instead of Jr.? Like John Jim Joe III
  4. How are they weird? :confused:
  5. If i say a word over and over then yes im like whoa wtf i cant be saying that right cause it sounds so weird. lol
  6. My name is perfectly normal.
  7. still odd. id want the little mini version of me running around to at least have its own unique name.
  8. all names and words are weird as fuck, next time you're cheifin a bowl, ponder it for a minute or two. just pick on word and think about its pronounciation and meaning
  9. I hate my last name, thats for damn sure
  10. Drizzy is a cute last name.
  11. #12 GrapDutchDrizzy, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010

    lolwut? my real one you silly wabbit

    edit: drizzy is for dre btw
  12. It's nice to meet you Perfectly.
  13. my name is too plain.

    I'm naming my kid something crazy, like Oprah Frankenstein.

  14. Nice to meet you too, Dirty :D
  15. Nahh
    Ill be just sittin there and think of a random word, ill repeat it like 4 times in my head, then will be like wtf kinda word is "word" lol
  16. #17 chronicman00, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    word. like have you ever heard some random ass language and your like wtf is that blabbering jibberish shit? it sounds like a whole bunch of random ass sounds

    its the same for people that dont know your language. i think language sounds different to you when you know it rather when you dont cause it makes sense if you know it and its not a whole bunch of random sounds anymore. if im really really high words just become sounds to me not the "words" i hear when im sober. ill be like "wtf is a word:smoking:?" idk its hard to explain.

    like all words are, are sounds made by our vocal cords. but when it gains meaning it becomes more than a sound.thats the best i can explain it i guess
  17. a unique 10 digit numeric combination for everyone.

    i shall be known henceforth as 0000000000.
  18. plip you motherfucker thats my name

  19. then who am i?:(

    fuck i hate this new system..

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