Am i the only 1?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by nawky, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. No offense womenz. But just the thought(obviously the thought because i have no real first hand experience) of fucking a girl on her period severely turns me off. I feel so disgusted even tho its a normal bodily function. I think i would honestly puke.
  2. Not everyday on your period is really heavy and bloody. Sometimes there isn't much blood and you wouldn't even notice that she was on her period.
  3. That may be true for some women but different for others. Everyday of my period it's full force with no chance of letting up till it's done with.

    My man hasn't earned his redwings and neither of us have any intentions on acting on it either. We can wait till it's done with but then again due to my birth control I get my period once every 3 months so it's not something that interferes with our sex life.
  4. it kind of turns me off too. i've done it once and i just couldn't relax and be comfortable enough to actually enjoy the sex.
    although i will allow anal. that's still enjoyable enough lol.
  5. put it in her butt. then you can have shit on your dick instead.
  6. Any time iv banged a chick on her period, its always been towards the end and in a shower. Never really got too much blood on my cock.

    Eating a girl out on her period is attrocious though....yes iv done it
  7. I've done a girl on her period a couple of times. The first time was just a little spotting but the second time I got up and was covered. It was a little gross but the sex was wild. I know someone who loves having sex on her period. Just lay down a bunch of towels and go to town.
  8. My lady and I have awesome sex pretty much no matter what.

    Periods are really no big deal. Put a towel down or hit in the shower. Don't knock it till you try it, trust me. It feels amazing and almost all girls I've been with love to do it during their periods because of all the bennifits they feel afterwards. Can stop cramps, heal headaches, relieve stress, I even read somewhere that when a woman has sex with you it releases something in their brain that makes them love you more or something like that. I don't know how true the last fact is but it is still apperently pretty bomb for both people involved if you're not too squeemish(sp?)

    As for eating a girl out while she's having her period is probably something I could never be swayed to do, however.
  9. Use a condom and its alright or when flow is minimal
  10. this is spot on... the only thing the blood does is slow me from eating it

    seriously.... loved your post
  11. I think it's disgusting in the first day or two which is when, for me, the flow is super heavy. I've done it, and I will probably do it again, because sometimes I the opportunity arises and I have no will power. I am an advocate of the blow job, but sometimes things unfold in a way that makes me feel like, there is no way you're getting off and I'm not. :mad:
    Some dudes have no problem with period sex, and I like those guys. Some guys do, and I still like them, too.
  12. I'm all for it :D just need the opportunity...
  13. I've done it with an ex a few times. Would probably only do it again if it was a girlfriend who REALLY wanted it. I didn't enjoy it any more than regular sex.
  14. some sick fucks in this thread!

    personally, i don't like shredded uterine lining on my penis
  15. Idc.. Ill go in bleedin or not.
  16. Yeah i got my red wings, bitches call me "The Red Baron."
  17. Idk if i will ever get over it. Maybe i have a misconception that its always really heavy. Maybe if its just alil spotting then sure but dam...

    shit scares me
  18. I'm with you on that, can't take the smell and fucking in the shower was never that fun for me.
  19. Tastes metallic

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