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Am I the annoying type of stoner?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by chasechasechase, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. I'm one knows I smoke except for friends. I'm in college and my friends smoke a lot of weed....on the other hand I always feel like the biggest pussy on planet earth because I can literally get high as F off of just one hit from a pipe or bong. I have been smoking since I was almost 17, pretty much daily. I go through $20 in TWO WEEKS and that's smoking every day.......I mean yeah its good and all...I save a lot of cash, but I feel like people think I'm a little girl when I tell them i've had enough after a bowl or a couple bong hits.

    Obviously I love smoking weed, I don't think I'll ever stop. But if I smoke too much I literally get really uncomfortable...start tripping out..and sometimes will throw up. Usually 2 or 3 bowls is the max for me, but I'll take about 2-3 hits and be toasted for 3 or so hours. Opinions? Would you find this annoying if I was your friend?
  2. It's cool man, everyone's tolerance is different. It actually saves you alot of money!

    p.s. i never consider anyone who is done a pussy.
  3. Nah man you're good. I actually respect you more since you know your limits. If anyone calls you a pussy you can tell them to fuck off... It's not a competition and never will be.

  4. this.
  5. dude are you fucking kidding i wish i was you, that sounds awesome as hell, people who make fun of you are just jealous
  6. Well damn bro I wish I had your tolerance

  7. This^ It takes an adult to admit that your done. Your a pussy when you continue to smoke only because you don't want people to think bad about you because you stopped early.
  8. If there is one thing smoking weed should have taught you it's that you shouldn't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. That being said, I don't think anyone would hate on you for having a low tolerance. Im jealous that it only takes you a hit to get high, I smoke half ounces in a little over a week, it's awful hahsha but I love it at the same time

  9. :rolleyes: Blades spreading the truth and good vibes. I envy you OP, anyone that would ride your balls for that is truely a fool. :smoke:
  10. Smoking, at least to me, is supposed to be a good time NOT greening out. So you get high and save $....sounds good to me xD
  11. OP you sound alright to me homey! If you are in Hawaii for ever get high near some lava? Man that seems so dope!


  12. I have a gr8 deal of respect for your recognizing that moderation is a good thing. MJ is a total cool thing if we use it respectfully. It's like buying a 750Ml of Crown Royal. You have two drinks and say I'm good or drink 7/8's of the bottle and get totally wasted and firkin kill somebody doing something stupid. Moderation keeps it respectable. Do NOT let anyone dictate your life for you. You are not a pussy for knowing your limits.
  13. Thanks for replies everyone...yeah it sucks cause they'll get a fat amount of weed out with the bong, and everyone is taking rip after rip...and I'm there like ..."yup im fried guys..gonna go sit on the couch" haha I just get fried and so antisocial when I smoke. Almost rather smoke by myself sometimes lol:smoke:

  14. Not yet haha just moved out here about 8 months ago. Will try..sounds pretty sick actually haha:eek:

  15. Just be careful :smoking:
  16. Haha dude who cares if you're happy with your smoking ways? I don't think any stoner would even care that you can get high off a hit. If anything it's good cuz its more for the rest lmao I'm jealous though you lucky bastard one hitter highs
  17. Nah bro, just take a couple puffs. No your limits, the only thing that matters is enjoying the high. So why keep smoking,and smoking if you are not going to enjoy it. I wouldn't find it annoying.
  18. mannn me and my group of friends always make fun of whoever wants to stop smoking first, its just teasing :p we dont mean it, like it doesn't matter if you wanna stop smoking but if you do we tease you for it. I actually wish I had your tolerance, and I know you've probably heard a lot of people say that. But man, seriously understand that a low tolerance is a lot better than you think
  19. Damn, I wish I was you... I would love spending $20 every 2 weeks rather than 2 ounces
  20. You can get high af off of one hit? YOU LUCKY FUCK, YOU!!!!11!1111!! :)

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