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Am i really lucky?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JJreezy, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. I am currently taking an Acid Reflux Medication called Protonix which can cause a false positive for THC. Now i was wondering if they could test for any other chemicals(From marijauana) in my urine besides THC. If not i think it means i can smoke and always have a valid reason for my High THC levels.

    This is all a question if im wrong please tell me
  2. as far as i know thc is all they test for. im sure if the FBI wer on your ass they could cook up a test that cud detect other chemicals in weed in your blood
    but for a regular DT, your straight
  3. Analouges do not show up in drug tests. Only natural THC will.
  4. If you're getting tested at a job that allows certain levels of THC (most do nowadays they just are pretty low/don't make it public to employees really how much they can have) then they'll look at how much is in your system compared to the normal results of false positive ammounts with your new medication. If it normally tests around 150ug and you have 980ug, they'll know what's up.
  5. If you test positive, and bring up this fact, they can definitely check your real THC level.

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