Am i over reacting?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by budkid, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. just found out my mother takes my rubbish out of the bin, which was been tied up, to read my bank statements. and she thinks this is acceptable behaviour, considering i'm 18. her excuse is that 'it might get into the wrong hands' and 'you must have something to hide if you are so angry'

    is this fucked up or what?
  2. Wait so your mother is reading your bank statements? No I would be pissed too. You are an adult, and you deserve some privacy. What you buy now, should only be her business if you choose to let her know.
  3. Make them unreadable? Set fire to them?

    Edit- Set fire to her?
  4. Dude uncool. Hell no your not over reacting. That's a total invasion of privacy. I'd be so pissed if my mom pulled that shit. You should invest in a lock for your door.
  5. yeah i'm gonna take so much care in future. you just wouldn't think when throwing shit out, "fuck i better make it unreadible" because generally there is a level of trust and respect for peoples privacy.

    anyway i went completely mad, what made me more mad was her not seeing what was wrong with what she had done.
  6. Lol my mom does the same shit to me, goes through my room when I'm not home and reads my journals and goes through my make up bag and my trash. That's how she found my first bowl and my stash :mad: And then she hid my bowl outside in the grill. Not cool.
  7. poop in her bed, that'll teach her.
  8. aha.. you called it rubbish.
  9. Shred them. No creepers looking at. Your info then.. Including your mom
  10. well it was heading for the landfill ;)
  11. I wouldn't say your overreacting, but my suggestion would be to not let that situation happen in the first place? I don't want my dad finding my pot: if he searched my room it'd be an invasion of my privacy (but I wouldn't do shit about it because I live with my parents for free). So I hide my things, and prevent that situation from happening.
  12. Anything thrown in the trash is fair game. As for her not trusting you, then maybe yea you have a reason to trip out.
  13. MY mom used to dig through my garbage. She might still Idk. She is weird.
  14. do you have a job?

    and do you pay for your own shit?

    If you answered yes to one or both of these questions your not over reacting....

    If you answered no to either or both of these questions, shut your mouth and let your "care giver" look at what they are paying for.
  15. Don't stress about it. So what if she finds something she doesn't like. She'll ground you?

  16. Tear up all your paper work before it goes into the garbage.
  17. its my own money. hence the reason i have a bank account. i'm moving out in six months, and good riddance
  18. Seriously though, shred any document that could lead to identity theft. Mom is being a pain in the arse, ID Theft is a major headache that takes months, if not years of bad credit and time to clean it up. :smoke:
  19. Welp.......I think u need to invest in a shredder bro

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