Am I just high

Discussion in 'General' started by HighinHI, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. #1 HighinHI, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    or does one of my chicken mcnuggets look like a pistol and the other one like it has a fetus coming out the side of it with the arm and a head?

    It might be hard to tell but it's shaped like a ring right where the trigger area should be. Funny that happens to be right there on a gun shaped mcnugget. anyone else see it or am i looking far too into these mcnuggets

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  2. If you have to ask, yes you are

    And they look like fucking chicken nuggets
  3. lmao, ur high. I was expecting something close to the description, but its just plain old mcnuggets :smoke:
  4. Really? Wow I must be high. thank you for settling this very important matter.
  5. I can see the fetus.

    Don't know about the gun though..
  6. i can see the gun!

    wtf is the foetus?? ..cant find that one

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