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Am I gonna get caught smuggling cheesecake from downstairs??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bump840, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Alright right now my parents and everyone is sleeping but I really need to get this delicious double layer cheesecake with chocolate but if I go downstairs to get it will anyone hear me ??

    also what can I do to make it look like the same amount of cheesecake is still there after I eat it because I really need to eat this but does anyone else think about how awesome fridges are??
  2. nvm im just going for it sorry
  3. You won't get caught. I do it all the time.
  4. all i could do was laugh......this isn't a fucking 007 mission kid
  5. Do you have railings on the stairs? If so use your upper body strength to go down the stairs via railings...hahahaa
  6. this guy is so blown
  7. hahaha im sorry dude this is really funny. It's just getting some food, everybody has to eat so how could you get in trouble?
  8. So what if you get caught? You wanted a snack.
  9. Too late cops already came and busted him...
  10. Cheesecake police came in gave him 25 to life
  11. I got it guys!!! Thanks for those of you who supported me but here's what I did:

    When I walked out of my room, I carefully twisted the door knob and then slowly crept open my door, I tried to get to my fridge as quick as I can but that was my flaw, as I was running down the stairs and turning into my kitchen at the end, I stepped on my cat which was just sitting there all stupidly and just kinda nudged him but I fell and my mom came out to see if I was okay, but luckily it was before I even got it... afterwards everything went smooth and I got a nice big piece of cheesecake and some chocolate milk, I'm still trying to figure out how to substitute the cake but for now I'll take care of that tomorrow, I know the chocolate milk no one will even question
  12. what the hell?!?! How could you even think of smuggling cheesecake? If you get caught you're looking at some serious time in state prison!

    haha just kidding bro, go get a reasonable amount of cheesecake then enjoy what bud does to your taste buds!
  13. This guy is either a troll, blazed out of his mind, or his parents have him on a diet. And either way, im laughing my ass off.
  14. How come anytime at matter how hard you try not to make noise...YOU FAIL!? that's why when I was young I use to just keep the goodies in my room, +mini-fridge, Nom nom nom
  15. hahaha
  16. i dont think he is a troll lol but made me laugh pretty hard

    may have been a worthless thread but funny:smoke: enjoy that cheesecake sir
  17. Thanks guys, I thought I finished it a few minutes ago and it was really good, but I just found out I have more left so I'm about to finish that.. but nah I'm not a troll, I just really wanted this cheesecake and figured other people did too, and would probably notice a large piece missing which would probably make them suspicious.

    anyways I'll put a picture up for you guys one sec

  18. bahahahahah i love that your going to post a pic how stoned are you lmfao
  19. #19 bump840, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    sorry for the bad quality and it's better than it looks it has chocolate under vanilla over a nice layer of chocolate frosting and whipped cream

    and yeah kinda cuz my vtak just kicked in y0!
  20. mmmmmmmmmmmm

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