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Am I getting screwed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mikhail1294, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Alright so I started smokin a little while ago and every time I buy I feel like I'm getting ripped off. Idk if it's just everyone is skimpin or if it's just me. I've bought two bags of this skunk stuff through friends and it seems like im only gettin like 3/4 of an actual g. but then when my friend gets it from a dealer theyre given him fat bags. its happened to me with several different people where i feel like im gettin screwed. do dealers usually do that when they know theres a newbie smoker involved?
  2. Get a scale.
  3. Yeah, invest in a scale. As far as more immediate advice though, I'd have to say that yeah, some people do scam people if they know they're newer smokers. It could also be that you're just getting denser buds, though, so don't make any accusations, unless you wanna end up with a crowbar in your teeth (happened to a guy I used to chill with when he wouldn't leave a trap house because his ounce was a gram off)

  4. yeah seems like ur gettin plugged, scaled is the best way to go.

    and those guys who are plugging you aren't your friends, friends dont take shit from other friends that don't belong to them. :eek:
  5. Yeah you get fucked up for shit like that over here.
  6. Grams almost never weigh out. Anytime I remember buying a gram it was always .7-.8. Just people not doing what they're suppose to.
  7. yeah my guy's are almost always a gram with the bag. every once in a while they're 1.1 though, and very rarely, they're .9. But i'd never complain. he's the only guy around here who sells $10 grams. Everyone else does $10 nickel bags or $30 Dubs, but he gets it from somewhere mad cheap and it's the same if not better than the other guy's stuff.
  8. A nickel bag is five dollars. Don't pay ten for it. A dub is twenty dollars. Don't pay thirty for it.
  9. Scale is your best bet. If you feel like you got ripped off, weigh it out and if you don't think you got your money's worth, don't buy from that person anymore. Don't ever go back to the seller and ask for money or weed back, it doesn't work that way. Don't stress though, you'll soon learn the economics of buying and selling weed as you become more experienced. Make notes of who has good shit, who will never skimp you, and who are just out to hustle you.
  10. Yeah I realize that. Yet around here, there's much more demand than supply, and most of the dealers charge whatever the hell they want, except a couple who keep it fair.
  11. buy a scale, don't trust your friends (money and friends rarely work together), and do your own research. In a week of cruising around GC you will probably know more about weed then your friends and can then make educated buys.

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