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Am i getting ripped off??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Skankwhore, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. So i've been smoking for a little while now, but i've never actually bought before because i usually just smoke with friends who always have weed. Well today the opportunity arose for me to get some really dank kush from a friends dealer. My friend gave me the dudes number and i called him up and asked him how much he was selling for and he said 20$ a gram. So i told him i wanted to buy a hundred dollars worth and he said he'll give me 4 grams for 100$ which makes no sense when it's 20 a gram and 100 divided by 20 = 5 so i should at least get 5 grams right? But anyways is this a normal price for some nice kush, or am i getting ripped off? By the way i live in N,C if that helps. :smoking:
  2. In Florida you should get at least seven for 100. You're buying in bulk so it should be discounted
  3. I'd at least want a quarter of dank for $100, damn.
  4. $20/gram is normal, but not when you are spending $100 dollars. He should be giving you a standard 7 grams for $100. This is commonplace in every single state.
  5. What everyone else has already said :cool::smoking:
  6. yeah i think were going to the same guy in NC because he does the same thing. Where do you live around?
  7. Yeah over here in California it's $100 for 1/4 an ounce.
  8. around here the best you can get is 120$ a quarter but that is the best bud around
    and yea they know your new to buying so there going to try and rip you off
  9. I know i asked him since i was buying in bulk if i could get some kind of discount or something and he just went on telling me about how good the weed was and crap so i had a feeling he was trying to rip me off so i just told him i'll wait and get back to him later haha
  10. To Narehs1: I live near wilmington, what about you?
  11. don't do that deal, my friend gets 3.5g's for $50 at dispensaries which tend to be a bit more expensive than street deals, 4g's for $100 is a huge rip
  12. You should be getting 7 grams if its some serious chronic.
  13. I wouldn't even contact him yo. Wait for him to realize you won't do it and he'll call you with a fair price
  14. Charlotte. too bad we dont have the same guy. we couldve had a sess
  15. are you sure he said 4 grams or 1/4 (a fourth)? it really seems like there may be a slight misunderstanding there, ask him again and let him know that "you're other guy" can give you a quad of dank for the same price.
  16. Nah he pretty sure said 4 grams, but yeah thats what i was thinking about doing just telling him i have another guy offering me a fourth of the same shit for 100 and seeing if he'll lower his price.
  17. I live I charleston sc It runs 60 and eighth of dank witch is 3.5 grams so yah you should only be paying like 70 for 4 grams I mean and he should knock some price off since ur buying alot also is it ur first time from this dealer cuz he might be a little hard on u the first buy.
  18. Best idea on this thread. :hello:
  19. Just call him out, he's the one being the con artist. Tell him that dank generally runs 7 g's for 100, and that 4 g's simply is a rip off. Tell him that 100 is the price you'll pay for a quarter ounce or you won't be doing business. You're the customer, he's the seller, you have the power in this situation, not him.
  20. Thats when the dealer trys to hunt you down and kill you ass

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