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Am I getting bad weed or is it just me

Discussion in 'General' started by CharlieWaffle, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. I've been smoking the same stuff for a few months now (as far as I know) but I'm becoming "immune" to the high now. I no longer hit the munchies hard (which is devastating really..), I'm not high for long (perhaps the strain of THC is weak?), I'm always too brain dead to have a conversation but in my head I'm having plenty of those stoned, philosophical discoveries. I'm usually having to get stoned alone now that I don't hang out with the same friends so it's kind of a buzz kill and turning me off smoking cannabis (my current friends don't and won't smoke weed due to their sheep beliefs about cannabis being a drug and think that it screws your life up). So is it just me or is the weed I'm getting weak? It's pretty sad because I do love me some mary j. :(
  2. Tolerance, my friend. The more you smoke, the higher it gets.
  3. Would it make a difference if I got some stronger bud? I don't want to become tolerant! ;(
  4. you need to take a break for a week or so, get that tolerance down
  5. [quote name='"CharlieWaffle"']Would it make a difference if I got some stronger bud? I don't want to become tolerant! ;([/quote]

    It would, but then your tolerance would get even higher. If you really don't want to become tolerant, then you need to cut back. Sad but true, or you could simply take a tolerance break.
  6. I've cut back though, I now only smoke every fortnight (if that's even considered a cut back lol)
  7. [quote name='"CharlieWaffle"']I've cut back though, I now only smoke every fortnight (if that's even considered a cut back lol)[/quote]

    Every 2 weeks? Damn, maybe you are smoking bad weed lol. Did you recently cut back or is this an on going thing?
  8. I've only recently cut back. I knew it! But the bud looks so damn healthy. Goes down the pipes clean and everything. Man this sucks. I used to get top bud but had to change dealers and now it's always Orange Bud.
  9. [quote name='"CharlieWaffle"']I've only recently cut back. I knew it! But the bud looks so damn healthy. Goes down the pipes clean and everything. Man this sucks. I used to get top bud but had to change dealers and now it's always Orange Bud.[/quote]

    It's not the bud then. If it was a recent cut back, then your body still needs to adjust.
  10. Thanks, I think I just might. If this doesn't work, I may just die a little inside.
  11. Weed doesn't actually get you high. It's a placebo effect. It's all in your head.
  12. [quote name='"CharlieWaffle"']Thanks, I think I just might. If this doesn't work, I may just die a little inside.[/quote]

    You could always smoke more :smoke: Roll yourself a 2g blunt and see how that gets you.
  13. I toked up 2 bongs and 2 joints and thats got me pretty fucked up, maybe it is my tolerance is higher.


    Ah, never mind!
  14. been smoking about the same quality of stuff every day for the past year or so (since my last t-break) and one or two hits still gets me blazed out of my skull. Wither your weed sucks, or you develop RIDICULOUS tolerances
  15. Maybe so. I'm thinking about changing dealers. Highs just arent how they used to be.
  16. [quote name='"CharlieWaffle"']

    Maybe so. I'm thinking about changing dealers. Highs just arent how they used to be.[/quote]

    It's your tolerance, trust me. I'm going through the same shit and I'm smoking better weed than I started out with.
  17. What's your favourite song to chill when your high? Do you ever find yourself listening to music that you never would sober then wake up being all "what the fuck was I thinking?" ..just me?

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