Am I dumb?

Discussion in 'General' started by SirFrosty, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Throughout my life people tell me that I am intelligent because I have a "knack" for computers. However, throughout my life I have been in special-ed for my Learning Disability (I Have ADHD). Although I do have a pretty decent vocabulary there are people with better. I am a pretty good speller. I don't know sometimes I just think I might be kind of for a lack of a better word, dumb. I wish I could articulate and speak more intelligently than now. People always say I use big words but I think because I am in Special Ed classes it has been kind of holding me back from striving to be my best. I can see in my special ed classes I am probably way more intelligent than all the people in the classes because it is hard to carry on an intellectual conversation. Which is why I really have no friends at school (That and everyone is "Christian and shit". I do have many stoner friends outside of school which very few of them I am able to hold a deep conversation for a few minutes. I'm sorry If you can barely read this my grammar isn't the best. Anyways I just felt like ranting and plus I'm high and this was on my mind.
  2. If its holding you back ask the teachers to give you more challenging work. I have an IEP too, social anxiety. it made shit difficult for me because I wouldnt be able to concentrate in big classes.
    I think you should get out read some books, look online for good ones about shit youre interested in and search through a dictionary and give yourself some vocabulary.
    Not only will reading and studying up on random shit improve your vocab. but it will also help give you topics to talk to with your friends.
    See what their interests are, look them up.
    Watch a movie and hear a word you dont really know? Look it up.
    Then youll remember the line and what it means and how to use it therefore you can feel less inferior in those situations.
  3. from the way you typed that up, you seem just as intelligent as everyone else, maybe more. dont let your class hold you back, and maybe ask to be moved to a regular class.
    like blaaazed said though, read up on interesting topics, check out wikipedia and research things you dont know about. try writing up a list of words and looking them up in a thesaurus to expand your vocabulary. keep your head up and keep on toking
    :smoking: peace.
  4. yeah dude, I always thought I was a little slower than kids..but somewhat the same time...It wasn't till like last year I was diagnosed with adhd...right shortly after that..I dropped out...a little too damn late huh? I try to use words that I think would convey my message the exact way I feel like it should...I still today havn't got a prescription for my adhd..simply before..I was being treated for my depression..and then they started treating me for my "bipolar" which I DIDN'T HAVE..(BULLSHIT MEDS) and now that I don't have a job or go to school...i don't have anything that I must concentrate on...soo there is no reason to pull up about my concentration problem...

    my depression, is mostly comes and goes...I can control it..i'm off the effexor
    I'm really looking for a job, so that I can go see him and tell him I need some meds...I personally think adhd meds will turn my life around...get my life together..reorganize it...have STRUCTURE..routine...

    I dunno why I typed all that.....No your no dumb, I remember you saying since your were 9 you were taking adhd meds...damn dude I wish my parents knew about that shit...(infact I think they did, but didn't want me on the drugs...look at me now)

    ::edit:: oh yeah like blaazedd said..wikipedia is awesome...I'm all the time reading shit...
  5. give yourself some more credit man...the fact that your even questioning your level of intelligence puts you at another level than most people to begin aren't dumb, you perceive the world around you in a different light, that's're only as dumb as people make you think you know yourself better than anyone, even if you don't know much about i think you should answer that question....Are you dumb? My opinion is no, but it's your decision
  6. Haha I guess you guys are right. Yeah man I been on ADHD meds for so long. I stopped taking them and my life seemed better or maybe it just did the way I perceived it. I remember when my dad would ask me if I felt "different" since taking the meds a few weeks after being on new meds. I would just look at him and say that I didn't feel a significant difference. I wonder if I were to start taking them again if it would help. Maybe I should see.

    :EDIT: Wikipedia is a hell of a thing I use that shit too.
  7. I can tell you right now you're not "dumb". You're probably not being challenged at school, and I'm sure you're in classes with people who you find pretty boring.

    Try reading some of the classics (Dickens, Poe, Twain, Joyce, Wilde, Shakespeare, etc, etc, etc). They'll keep you interested, help with your grammar, and it's good to remember famous quotes for when you're debating issues in the future. Who knows, you might be a politician one day, and being able to drop a famous quote into a debate may prove very useful to you. My boss had/has a learning disability but it didn't stop him from getting to a very good career position where he has to make multi-million dollar decisions every day.

    Oh by the way, your grammar is fine! :D
  8. Thank you guys I appreciate all your responses and SMART STONERS UNITE. Frankly, I kind of get tired of dumb stoners who all they think about is pot and never have anything constructive or intriguing to say. I would just once like to debate with someone about something completely pointless but important at the same time if you know what I mean.
  9. I have and IEP, and took college classes last year as a Junior and this year as a Senior. The only thing holding you back is yourself man. I've had this debate with somebody else on here. You want something, a learning disability isn't going to stop you from getting it, only you are.
  10. Very good post! And his grammar is flawless, as is almost every post in this thread. Nice work.

    Being educated is something money can NEVER replace, imo.
  11. hey man you seem perfectly intelligent to me. as a matter of fact id say you're more intelligent than a good 50% of the people on the internet lol. maybe more. but keep doin your best dude, as of now you seem pretty smart to me so keep that brain grindin away.

    jw, why were you put in special ed classes, as in whats your specific learning disability? you seem to have learned fine to me......

    and ignore my bad grammar and speech lol i dont put any effort into interwebz posting minus the thought behind it.
  12. yeah, lol have you seen some of the youtube video comments, i feel so happy that im not some of those folks. hahaha
  13. Dude im feeling you to the OP. I myself have dsylexia . So bad i cant even get my ideas out of my head into a fashion that can be understood. only a few people know my true intelligence. like my cousin david who has been able to point to people that are Deaf that he knew were smart but didnt ever say a word but knew there SAT scores. My grandmother who was the greatest person at seeing true charcter. and my best friend who has ADD Dsylexia and is super good at anything with a beat, he got 99% notes hit on Jordan on Guitar hero 2 on expert. so I ussually just hand out with people that know the true me.

    but it sucks when they say your dumb but you have ideas about the future,invetnions,current events,and life perspectives that if you could find the words to describe or the way to describe it would be so complex for them to ever begin to think of how to comprehend your statement. like my other cousin tony that thinks im dumb but i know really that hes so oppionated and is always has to be right that its impossible for an intelligent person that is so smart not to listen or take into consideration of others.

    by the way I have an above average IQ.
    anything below 60 is retarded.
    61-90 is below average
    90-110 is average
    110-130 is above average. Im sitting right now at either 118 or 122 i forget but know i scored in the Above average range.
    130 and above is Genuis
    and i think for sure the smartest man alive Steven Hawking's IQ is in the 200s. his IQ is so high that when he explains how to open his front door it would blow your mind with his vocab.
    and it was adminstered and created by mensa.

    it sucks dude.
  14. I feel to smart to talk to the people in my school so dont feel bad.
  15. haha yep
  16. You dont come off as dumb to me, and your grammar is exceptional.

  17. QFMFT!

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