Am i doing this right??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Deejay123, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Hiya everyone, hope your all ok...
    Ive just switched to 11L pots today and was just wondering how many ml would you say to water them with precisely?? I waterd them with around 800ml each which saturated them well! Would you say this is the right amount?? All that was in the mix was a couple of drops of superthrive! Thanks alot boys & girls!
  2. And sorry everyone, the medium is canna coco!
  3. Watering is easy. Pick up its heavy dont water, pick up the pot its light water. Let it dry in between waterings.

    I grow in airpots so I water till its throughly wet with run off. How much that is I dunno but for the 3 plants I have now its usually about 2-21/2 gallons.
  4. I dont measure at all, I pour half a 1 litre into each of my pots, 1 after the other. Once I start to see liquid coming out the bottom (just a little) its been watered fully and I can stop. I do it in succession because it lets the water have time to filter through the growing medium before I come back to water it again. Example, I may be able to pour 3 litres of water overall into each pot, but if I do it all at once with my method I would see water coming out the bottom after about the 2nd litre because it saturates it too quick and doesnt spread out the moisture much.

    Unless your weighing your plants with dirt and container before you ever watered, you cant really determine exactly a precise amount to water. It may retain moisture or any one of a few things which would make your precise measurement wrong.

    I talked alot today, rambling :(

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