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Am I disrespecting the dead?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KelseyCannabis, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. I live in a small town, and there's alot of RCMP that come out here so I drive up to a cemetery to smoke weed, i can do it at home but sometimes enjoy the drive. I found out a few other people go there to smoke as well. anyways, am i disrespecting the dead by doing this?? There's a trail along the graves for vehicles to go down so im parked right near the tomb stones, some of them date back to the 1700's .. Maybe i'm just sketching out, or really paranoid but this has crossed my mind everytime i've went there.

    Should I stop going there to get high?

    P.s: The reason I go there is because no cops ever go out there, it's down a gravel road going a bit out of the town.
  2. Sooouuunnds Scary.
  3. Um...They're DEAD. They don't care
  4. Disrespecting them?? Nah.... Probably "lifting some spirits" around the place!!
  5. Why would smoking be disrespectful?
  6. Disrespect would be if you're digging up their dead bodies, pissing on their graves and what have you. I've always wanted to smoke in a cemetery, seems like it would be peaceful.
  7. [quote name='"LongBottomLeaf"']Disrespecting them?? Nah.... Probably "lifting some spirits" around the place!![/quote]

    This. lol naa I wouldn't say you are as long as there's not visitors around.. If anything ya disrespecting the Deads Fam
  8. Unless they were into that kinda thing... And I've always wanted to smoke in cemetery too.
  9. All dead people, raise your hand if you object to this activity. No one? Guess you're in the clear.
  10. I do the same shit nothing disrespectful about it! I've been walking home from work for exercise and during the middle of my little journey there's this big grave yard that goes up to a point so I sit in the middle of the graveyard (like a hill). There's a little stone bench I sit on right next to these tomb stones, I roll up something quick spark it and listen to my tunes then walk the rest home. It is very peaceful no cops ever go through it either.
  11. hahah my friends smoke in graveyards a lot. it sounds disrespectful in a sort of cliche dumb teenager kind of way but it's a practical place to smoke and I personally don't find it disrespectful.

    the only reason I don't do it is cus I'd get fuckin spoooooked. cemeteries are pretty and all but..fuckin dead bodies have a strange energy I can't ignore.
  12. I don't even see how you thought it would be disrespectful. You're inhaling burning plant matter that alters your mind, and it just so happens to be illegal. Breaking a law near a dead body isn't even close to disrespecting it. That doesn't even make any bit of sense.

    Besides, in the 1700's grass was legal.

    People smoke cigarettes when visiting graves all the time. So just because tobacco is legal means that isn't disrespectful?
  13. i want some one to smoke a joint on my grave just dont fuck with the tomb stones or anythin man your not disrespecting them just smokin a joint
  14. Ive always thought about this too
  15. The Indians used to go to the caves where they buried their dead and smoke tobacco towards the east where their peoples spirits would go, weed isn't much different I find it in a way to be kind of respectful as long as you don't take life for granted and don't touch their graves
  16. Acting like people in the 1700 wouldn't have smoked weed if they had it available to them haha. Dead people are dead people, man. Smoking doesn't irritate something that can't be irritated.

    You're just messing with your head.
  17. I would not want to get high in a graveyard, sounds like some crazy shit.
  18. Yeah, zombies
  19. how is Regina a small town?? its the capital of Saskatchewan:confused::confused:

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