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Am i being annoying?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dfekt1, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Hey guys whats up,
    had to make a new account because i forgot the information to my old one (not that i really posted on it much)

    Anyways, i have a mate, hes pretty much a dealer of all sorts, anyways was pretty baked the other week, sent him a message, he never responded, thought it was pretty much my bad because i should of really kept it till i saw him next (altho me asking to pick up was pretty much in super code what only he would understand)

    he text me before about some other stuff, i text back asking if i could pick up, got no response.

    AM i being annoying, or is he not responding to keep himself out of shit (normal i just ask him for shit when i see him in person)
  2. i doubt 2 texts would annoy him so maybe it is because he doesnt wanna text back trying not to incriminate himself. try giving him a call
  3. He actually has a phone for his dealing, but i dont know that number, never asked as we are pretty good friends, i guess i will just have to hold out till i see him next.

    kinda feel like a dick for putting him in a situation where he could potentially incriminate himself as you said, as im not really new to this i actually try to keep shit low key.
    but first sort of thing like this to happen in 6 months, so kinda feel bad if you know what i mean
  4. When you're tryin to arrange a pickup, its best to call. Unless the outside variables don't allow you to speak aloud in ANY sort of "could be construed as drug talk", then you usually need the clarity and directness of phone conversation. I have found this out, dealers love to get high, play video games, and drop their phone on the floor lol.

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