I'm making a gravity bong next time i smoke. For the bowl, I've heard that trumpet mouthpieces fit perfectly into a 2 oz or whatever size bottle, and since i play trumpet, i have an extra mouthpiece or two lying around that i'm not using. Would it be safe to use this as a bowl? i think it has copper in it, i'm not completely sure though. second- aluminum foil and tin foil. There's a difference- is either one safe? thanks!
1. The hole in a trumpet mouthpiece is much too large. All of your bud will go right down that sucker. 2. There is no difference in the health risks of aluminum foil and tin foil; they are both awful for you 3. There is no such thing as tin foil anymore, it is all made of aluminum. They used tin foil before aluminum foil and people from that era continues to call aluminum foil tin foil, like me for example. So all in all this isn't a good idea.
trumpet mouthpieces work great, the hole can be large depending on what mouthpiece you have, i had a 3C mouthpiece that i used as a gravity bong piece (stuck into a two liter bottle cap so it was interchangeable with any bottle) and i just stuck a nug big enough so it wouldnt fall through the hole. if you are really worried, you can just get a screen. I miss that thing, sadly my friend threw it out by accident
i have a 3c too but its the one i'm using for playing so i'm stuck with this 7c. the hole is a bit bigger, but yeah screens would work. my friend suggested that too putting the nug in the hole my weeds ground up, so i'll make a temporary screen out of like apple or wire or something EDIT: and thanks!
Aluminum foil is toxic and you really should never put toxic metals in your body which I would suppose is given. Honestly just use an apple if you can't get a real piece, it is safe, inconspicuous, and easy to find and replace. Put a hole through the top to the middle of the apple with something thin and a hole all the way through perpendicular to the vertical hole passing through its bottom for a carb/rush and mouthpiece. All in all, don't use things like plastic, aluminum, copper, etc. because, in the end, is the high worth the risk? If you are a healthy individual the answer is no.
I used a trombone mouthpiece with aluminum foil screen for about 2 months (back in the good ole homemade faze). stuck a pen down the other end and made a 15 hole diffuser so it could work as a bong or a grav bong (ended up melting on me eventually lol). wrapped cellophane around it so it would be easier to make it more air-tight wen stuck into a waterbottle. It hit smooooth, but I didn't find out what flawed until I bought glass. Then, I could never hit any metal again. ever. The only good thing I got outta that piece is that the resin was real easy to clean out since it had a big bore, and i guess if i ever had gotten caught, i'd just say it's my lucky trombone mouthpiece charm. I honestly suggest you go to your local headshop and get a glass ds/slider. much safer, and tastes waaaay better, and it's only like $8-$15