Alternatives to Work

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by blondiee420, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. "The debt and work cycle is an ingenious tool of subjugation. Make people think they need all these things, then they must have a job, and they give up control of their lives. It's as simple as that. We live in one of the most free countries in the world, but we fix it so we are not free at all. "
    - Larry Roth

    Is there any alternative to working your life away?

    It is completely ingrained into our minds all throughout our lives, whether it be from society in general, the education system, or the mass media, that we must stay in school so we can maybe one day "get a good job." Most of us end up working jobs simply for the sake of money, or possibly status or recognition. Many people work 40 or more hours per week, and the amount of time spent working is astounding when you factor in getting ready for work, going to work, leaving work, or just plain being exhausted from it. We complain about not having time to do things, or not having time to see people, because of work. Our "jobs" seem to dominate our entire lives, consuming the majority of our time and energy, until it seems that we have almost nothing left.

    I don't want to spend the majority of my life working to save up money to hopefully be able to retire one day, while my entire life passes me by in the meantime!

    Maybe some people agree with me and find something a little wrong with this picture. Maybe, like me, you'd like to create a different path for your own life, because you see far too much value and potential in your life to waste it away "working." But what is the solution? How would you support yourself?

    Lately I've been feeling more and more frustrated with this way of life. I'd like to do something I enjoy, maybe painting or writing or working with different volunteer organizations, but that doesn't pay the bills.

    Any ideas about this topic? Are there any alternatives to a job-based society?
  2. I'd love to find something to do that I love and enjoy. I don't want to spend most of my adult life unhappy with my career.
  3. just go self-sustaining, grow your own food, weeed, food, get water, build a house....candles at night, yeah it'd be old school but hey you wouldn't have to work.
  4. I've started university this year, so these kinds of questions have become very real to me.

    You study, then you get a job in your chosen field, maybe somewhere along the line you get a different job in the same/similar field, start a family, then eventually you retire. It seems like there are no other options.

    Ideally, I would spend my life working at festivals for a small pay, and free entrance. Maybe I could do it for a while, but sooner or later someone will tell me to get a 'real job', and the money one makes from helping out at festivals is hardly enough to last the duration of the festival, nevermind rent or a car.

    Unfortunately, I can't find a way to escape doing the whole 'work thing'. :(
  5. I don't know if you have worked on a farm but it's grueling fucking work... Almost as hard as my job which is tearing apart 1-2 foot thick concrete floors and them hauling them out of the basement (we lay drain tile in old basments) I garuntee you wouldn't be able to do all that stuff you just said in 40 hours a week. Op, this will sound harsh but quit whining about having to work. You don't have to work but I mean eventually you will Probably die if you don't. fact is, compared with every other culture in the history of mankind (I'm assuming your American) we have way more leisure time. I mean I agree with you I'm sick of this capitalist sytem in which the lucky few own the means to production... I mean go for it man be self sustaining but you are warned, it will be more work. The fact of the matter is most people, (except the lucky, lazy, greedy few) has to pull their own weight. It's called growing up.
  6. yeah to an extent I currently support more free existence / living
  7. my ultimate plan is to get a good career where I make enough money to allow me and my wife to set up a completely self sustaining houshold by the time we're 35, than have kids.
    I pwant to buy about an acre or 2 of land on fertile soil in a secluded rural community, preferably in the middle of the woods with one dirt road leading to the house, and a stream that rarely if ever dires up, so we could purify our own water, I'm thinking, through distalation
    I than want to devote an acre to growing food, just enough to feed my family, and a little bit extra for the winter and if times get hard
    I want to devote a about quarter acre for the house
    I want to built the house from scratch, and harness as much energy from the enviornment as I can, just because it's free, and I can sell any excess back to the power grid
    I wnat my house to have a 2 hydroponic grow rooms, a large one for food, and a smaller one for bud
    and a walk-in freezer for storing extra meat
    I want 4 or 5 bedrooms, one master, and one for each child we have, and maybe a guest bedroom or 2
    I want to devote the rest of my property to raising livestock, with a heated building for so the animals can survive an especially harsh winter.

    this system that I'm working on has all of the basics covered, food, water, electricity
    If I cut out these bills, I won't have to devote all of my time to my career, but I refuse to do anything that I don't enjoy on some level, so I won't view work as a big sacrifice, so I'll only need to spend about 15-20 hours a week at work to cover the other material needs/wants, drugs, and the taxes

    I'm a biochemistry major at a good private university (if weed gets legalized within the next 5-10 years, I'll almost automatically have my dream job: cannabis geneticist)
    so the way I see it, I'm on track to make this future a reality
    I'll be as self sufficient as possible, and I'll be something more than another cog in the machine of capitalism

  8. sorry to double post, but farm work is very difficult, but it just seems like it would be so fulfilling to actually use all of the materials you produce, instead of being a slave to the money that drives the whole system.
    but also, you can't go anywhere if you don't invest time and effort in something you don't necessarily want to do. that's just part of what keeps society running, My plan involves starting out with the standard 9-5 days, just to get started, but from there, if you're smart enough you can break free
    by the way, I still do see capitalism as the most fair nd practical economic system that the human race has come up with so far
  9. I recognize 'the system', but it seems like its inescapable. Really, if I can live a comfortable life with some 9-5 job, it's fine by me. I get the vibe that the people who recognize 'the system', or how 99% of the world are sheeple, think that there is some alternative, superior lifestyle that we could be living. And then you're whole life is spent searching for it, feeling sorry for the rest of the world who is trapped in there little bubble in society. Whatever, I'm fine with doing a 9-5 job, if it means I can have a comfortable lifestyle, with a home, family, friends, etc. What alternatives are there? I can't think of any alternative lifestyle that could offer a comfortable living...with the way that our society is built.
  10. #10 Perpetual Burn, Feb 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2010
    If you want anything, you will have to sacrifice to obtain it.

    You can go live off the land right now... but it's probably much easier to put in your 40 hours, so you can have a roof over your head, electricity, internet, and cannabis.

    In America, you could just be a bum... if all you're really asking for is food, you'll be fine... no need to even find food in the wild.
  11. I dont believe its too much to have ambitions for a simpler way of life, I know I come from a more rural area, and I have lived in larger cities, this time in the city lets me dream of a self sufficient time in my future. Its a matter of hard work to establish a feasible plan to get off the grid and to become self sufficient, but the rewards are endless. No more relying on the grocery stores and delivery lines, canning is fun and you can make some great preserved food. No more GMOs that mess with your body systems and cause the many prevalent diseases that we see today.

    My favorite aspect of becoming self sufficient would be the ability to control my own future much more than if I were working the 9-5 route. Cut expenses out of your budget that arent needed, and learn the knowledge it will take happily raise a family in a dying way of life.
  12. "if you do something you love you will never work a day in your life" I wish i chould grow weed for people with serious conditons. I whould be helping my fellow man and doing something i love.

    In short if you do something you enjoy for work then are you really working? I know what you mean, a few years ago i got a full time job at a factory 3rd shift. I quit after 3months beacause i was making shit money and was not happy.

    I decided after that job that i whould only work for myself no matter what! id rather be poor 3months out of the year and happy then have shitty money 365.
  13. Some people have said it already but I'll say it again. No one is making you work. This really is a free country. If you want, you CAN survive with food, water, and shelter for probably under a thousand dollars a year. But what you take for granted in your life are your everyday pleasures that us as a generation are the first to have in the history of man. Are you willing to give up internet, television, traveling, high quality food, clean comfortable clothes, heat in the winter, a/c in the summer, marijuana, a car, and everything else I'm forgetting? If you are willing to give all that up, you are more than welcome to and no one can stop you. More work=more pleasures, less work=less pleasures. It's up to you.
  14. W = Fd

    if we are all travelling the same distance, in this case we will call this distance a lifetime,

    we should just use less Force.. that is, less input :p

    fuck it, dude lets go bowling.
  15. I hate hearing we have "pull your own load" and "keep society going" when the same society were supposed to propagate, whether you put in your 40 hours or not, would like to see all of us in GC thrown behind bars. To me there is no price to steep or comfort not worth giving up to escape society and the system. society offers comfort and safety for the low price of your soul and your freedom.

    A question I ask myself is what would have a worse impact on humanity, the collapse of society as we know it, or allowing society as we know it to continue existing until we reach the self destructive crescendo we are inevitably hurtling towards, consuming every resource on the planet including each other.

    just some food for thought
    peace :smoking:
  16. Most of the people in this world who are remembered and made great difference. Those philosophers and writers, artists, or what have you, obtained their status (from the collective masses) by doing something offbeat, off the wall, out of the ordinary. They didn't feel the need to "grow up" or put in their 40 hours..and if they did then they managed to fit that into their alternatives.

    If you can figure out how to live your life as fullfilling as you want it without having to worry about a 9 - 5, which i think is the death of the human mind, let me in on it too. I would be hard pressed to embrace all those comforts if it meant never having an extraordinary thing happen in my entire life, which is what I see the masses accepting. One vision, one dream, one way.

    Maybe if everyone wasn't groomed to get a "good job" and blah blah, our world would be that much more colorful. There wouldn't be that many regulations, things would be different. But then of course you have the human element argument. Well its just in human nature, thats how we are. I don't think we are inherently anything.

    There is a time for person sacrifice, and sacrifice on behalf of the collective, and today's society DOES demand more than most people can sanely give. The problem is how do we find a balance that works for ourselves. And while I'm not saying to embrace personal freedom entirely, maybe some self-introspection would ultimately cause the masses to stop disliking their lives so much, and then our society would be a better one for it. Too little time and space for that discussion tho... Too little time for alot.
  17. For those who want to sit on their ass and just stay blasted, do it. So you will starve and have no place to live, no tv, no gaming console, no heat, no a/c....go for it, it won't bother me. I'm am tired of having to contribute to lazy people through my taxes. Have a nice day.
  18. Haha, my man over here dropping some physics. :D +rep
  19. [ame=]YouTube - Little Boxes[/ame]

    Enjoy =)!!
  20. :rolleyes::p

    i was fuckin shtoooneded

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