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Alternatives to tobacco

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Idea420, Feb 11, 2024.


Have you ever tried this/ be willing to try this ?

Poll closed Sep 11, 2024.
  1. I have tried it - love it

    0 vote(s)
  2. I have tried it - hate it

    0 vote(s)
  3. I haven’t tried it - love to try

  4. I haven’t tried it - won’t be trying it

    0 vote(s)
  1. I’m not sure if I will get laughed out the door, or told that this is obvious and people have done it for years, or that it’s laughable - who knows....

    But last night I smoked with friends and decided to roll a joint with weed and tea leaves 50/50 ratio (not that it matters but the tea was pukka tea peppermint, fennel, nettle- detox tea ) It smoked like a dream, nice hint of flavour, even burn, wasn’t harsh on the throat. Now I’m excited to try again with new tea bags and flavours.

    Just asking really is this something anyone else has ever stumbled across or has or will try ?
    love to hear your thoughts - I did some research I can’t see any harm in using tea bags.
    If you haven’t tried it and do after reading this please let me know I’d love to hear others opinions!!
    Cause I can’t lie I think it’s the future for me
  2. Tried it around 71-72 as a way of extending supply. It didn’t impress me enough to keep doing it. Used it in my Pier1 water pipe.
  3. Thanks for your reply, I have tried 4 differant types of herbal tea now and I’m enjoying the varie-tea
  4. I wouldn't recommend doing it. We know smoking tobacco is very bad for you. We know smoking weed is a lot less bad for you. We don't really know what smoking tea is like for your body. I'd guess not as bad as tobacco but not as unharmful as weed. The point is we really don't know and it's not a widely done thing so there's not going to be any studies on it.

    You can simply drink tea and smoke or vape weed. Or drink any other caffeinated thing. Hell they make caffeine pills if you want them. No need to smoke tea to get the simulant effect of caffeine. Needless risk imo.

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