Alternative insomnia remedies for when you're dry?

Discussion in 'General' started by Psygonyx, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. For as long as I can remember I've had trouble falling asleep at night. It usually takes me a half hour to an hour to fall asleep (sometimes 4, 5, 6, 7 hours). Normally I just smoke a bowl every night and pass the fuck out, but whenever I find myself in a dry spell nighttime becomes hell.

    I've tried melatonin, diphenhydramine, exercise, reading a book, browsing the internet, counting sheep (lol), listening to music, taking a bath, jerking off; none of it seems to work.

    There's gotta be something out there that can help me fall asleep when there's no bud around! Suggestions?
  2. Hell no, last thing I need is an addiction.
  3. That's right, it is the last thing seeing as everything else doesn't work lol.
  4. Tried any combination of the above stated? Try all the above?
  5. Touché.

    Good idea, BRB.
  6. yeah man same thing happens to me let me know if you find anything
  7. seroquel;)

    I BET you you cant stay awake.
  8. What i like to do if i cant sleep is tell yourself your going to count to 100 and after every number you count your going to feel more asleep, usualy i get to about 18-20 and cant remember after that lol
  9. I haven't had any sleep in THREE FUCKING DAYS! This is starting to get ridiculous; honestly I don't even know how I am able to function right now. I'll try your suggestion HardToker, but seeing as nothing else as worked for me I'm not very confident it'll will work.
  10. try some chamomile tea, good for alot of things and is calming
  11. Lay in a perfectly comfortable position and focus solely on your breathing. Every time you take a breath in, think "in" and "out" for every time you breathe out. Focus only on those thoughts and your breathing. If you start to think of something else, force it out of your mind and go back to focusing on your breathing. Eventually you'll breathe like that without having to think of it, and your mind will go blank, allowing you to sleep. I don't usually notice when I'm falling asleep, I just wake up later.

    Works for me when I need sleep (I also suffer from insomnia), and I hope it works for you.
  12. Try some strenuous exercise before you go to bed. Going for a long bike ride in the evening really helped me sleep for a while (until I sold my bike).
  13. #15 VioletStars, Aug 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2009
    honestly it works. you are only suppost to take 1 or maybe 2 (some people only need half of one) but i take 3 sometimes and i am only 5'2 115 pounds and i pass right the eff out
  14. If you really want to sleep well, you need good sleep hygiene. This means you avoid screens for the 1-2 hours before you go to bed. Instead you take a nice warm bath, you drink milk with honey or some camomile tea. Smells can be soothing.. lavender or vanilla have soporific effects. Meditation and relaxation techniques can be extremely useful... try simple deep, regular breathing to calm yourself.

    Also, get enough exercise during the day. At least go walking for 30-60 minutes a day, preferably in the evening so you will feel more rested.

    It's much better than depending on a drug! Try things out, find what works for you.

    However, if you are having serious problems with sleep and it becomes dangerous to you, that's a different story. If you notice mild hallucinations, you start passing out or start trembling during the day... your lack of sleep could potentially be harmful. I know it's not fun, but seek therapy or go to a sleep clinic. I've been there. Was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, put on small doses of risperdal, and sure enough I was sleeping again.
  15. Went to a doctor last month, she diagnosed me with anxiety and prescribed Prozac and Clonidine. The Prozac just made the problem worse (I'd wake up after only 2 hours of sleep!) so I stopped taking it, and the clonidine didn't do anything at all for neither anxiety nor sleep (doc told me it would shut my brain off and knock me out with just one 0.1mg dose. I took up to 0.4 at one point before I gave up).

    I'd go back, but I missed my physical last week because I pussied-out, and they charge ridiculous fees for missing an appointment. So I can't go back there again. The hard part now is finding a sleep clinic that'll take my health plan (I'm on the state government's free healthcare plan).
  16. Only thing that has ever worked for me is weed.
  17. get a memory foam pillow & mattress, mattress optional. GG sleep.
  18. Robotussin dm cough syrup, take a little below standard dosage at bed time and you'll find yourself comfy and in bed in no time.
    Also, when you're not dry, if you need to fall asleep fast just take bong rip of some indica and take table spoon of the same stuff

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