No, not legal bud or similar. I'm talking about pills that can be taken that are easy to get. No prescriptions required. Anyone know of any???
Thanks for the suggestions but I meant more along the lines of over the counter meds. I don't have a headshop around here so those arent options for me.
Well you can take, CCC ( hordicin cold and cough ) Robotussin ( gel caps, youll be straight up trippin.) These are all legal and you can find them on the shelves of youre local drug store. for like 6-7 bucks a pack.
NOT Triple C's fuckin bad for you when you take enough to trip. Don't give fucked up info, read up before trying to educate others.
i like tripple c sometimes theyre for people with arthritus, and other than that anything with DMX. xo candy
yea fuck triple cs those are bad news bro , and what ^u mean ppl with arthritis? dxm is the way to go as long as its the only active ingredient , robotussin gel caps are the best , if youve never done it before i would suggest buying one bottle and i think theres 300 mgs in there just take the whole thing and you will feel good in about 45 mins
Get some robitussin gelcaps, they have abou 15 mg of dxm in each and no other active ingrediants so they're safe. I've popped around 40 before and been out of this world.
The question asked was what he could take to get high... And that was my answer. Its not fucked up info at all.
Well it's bad advice beacuse the other active ingrediants in CCC's are horrible for your liver. Talk to anyone who knows about responsible DXM use and they will strongly advise against Coricidin.
Nitrous oxide or DXM. Either robitussin gel caps or maximum strength cough syrup. If you take DXM get in a really dark room and make it silent, best way to go IMO. Lay down and go on a journey through the mind.
DUSTING its wen u inhale the dust off cleaner (the compressed air in a can to spray on keyboards) ....i dont recommend its a really shitty feeling afterward and dont do it after u had just finish eating cuz ur very likely 2 throw it up ever since i tried dust off a few timez i think it changed my highs 4rm bud completelly dxm can be bad 2 so just stick with pot
Estrogen, take enough of those and you'll be sky high, plus you grow boobs! hahah please don't do that.