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Alternate smoking methods?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Getboged, May 2, 2011.

  1. I use bongs for a couple weeks , then change to joints , then back to bongs. Different smoking methods keep my tolerance at bay. What's your usual?
  2. #2 BMORE HiiiGH, May 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2011
    I switch it up between joints, blunts, my bowl, steamroller and my bong :smoke:
  3. I pretty much use everything I have on regular basis. During the day I usually use my Extreme Q 4.0, at night time I use either my bongs or my bubbler. And when I'm heading out to a buddies house I usually bring either a bowl or a few joints, other than the odd time that the bong makes the trip :bongin:
  4. i typically use bongs bowls joints or blunts

    bongs at my gfs house.
    bowls when i cruise with my boys.
    joints when my gf really wants them.
    blunts on cruises and whenever else i need them
  5. vape, bong or the occasional raw j
  6. I switch up between bowls bongs and vaporizers
  7. my bong, bubbler and vape thats all
  8. J's all the way all dam day :smoking: Occasionally I smoke a blunt or outta my pipe.
  9. J a day keeps the doctor away bro.
  10. I use bongs, pipes, and bubblers with the occasional J

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  11. I used to switch up, now that I only dab, just my oil rigs. I switch between the 4 rigs, they smoke differently, high is the same though.
  12. Bong Rips

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  13. I have a big, thick glass bong, a few metal pipes, several one-hitters, papers, a few bubblers, two vaporizers, a hookah...but my favorite go-to everyday piece is a $20 old school acrylic bong.

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  14. Oil rig dab, and herb vaporize

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