Altered states

Discussion in 'Movies' started by Acid Raindrops, Apr 11, 2010.

  1. Pretty trippy movie, im watching it right now for the first time, but the voice is a little off sync.
    MEGAVIDEO - I'm watching it

    People who have watched the movie post opinions. An old movie, but a cool plot, makes you wonder a bit. *Thumbs up*
  2. There is no movie. Only the journey of floating in SPACE.

    Seriously though,
    Left me with the feeling that animals really know what's going on more than humans know. I loved the part when he is tripping in the cave though. Visually stunning from when the movie was made.
  3. Saw this movie when it first came out on VHS...probably one of the best films from that era. Loved the scene where he's in the deprivation tank and escapes as a caveman/animal who procedes to beat the pulp out of a researcher and security guard. Also near the end where he's morphing through time and space while his wife watches on with terror....Definately a keeper

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